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##::::::::'##:. ##:: ##:::: ##::. ####:::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##:: ##:: ####: ##:
##:::::::'##:::. ##: ########::::. ##::::::: ##:::: #########:: ##:: ## ## ##:
##::::::: #########: ##.... ##:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##.... ##:: ##:: ##. ####:
##::::::: ##.... ##: ##:::: ##:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##:: ##:: ##:. ###:
########: ##:::: ##: ########::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##:'####: ##::. ##:
Create mazes recursively using the backtraking algorithme or iteratively using different possible algorithms.
Labythin [-chmptvV] [-a[=<mode>]] [-s[=<step>]] [-o=FILE] width height
- width width of the maze to create. default : 30
- height height of the maze to create. default : 30
- -a, --algorithm[=] Algorithm to use to generate the maze with. If specified, the maze will be generated iteratively, otherwise it will be done recursively values : NONE, RECURSIVE_BACKTRACKER, PRISM, OLDEST, FIFTY_FITY default : NONE
- -s, --step[=] will display the maze at every step of the maze's creation
- -v, --verbose verbose mode of display
- -c, --color color the output, makes it look fabulous
- -o, --output=FILE file to output the maze to
- -p, --pretty-print display wall as wall with special characters
- -t, --time time took to generate the maze
- -m, --memory display the allocated memory/memory used by the program
- -h, --help Show this help message and exit.
- -V, --version Print version information and exit.
You may wanna use Makefile to compile the dependency or the program itself, but it's not mandatory.
java -cp bin:lib/picocli-4.6.1.jar Labythin -h
This should execute the Labythin and print the help page.
This program use the picocli librairy to parse the command line and write on the terminal
ORION Antoine