A command line tool for Windows used to write audio tracks from CD to NetMD device. The NetMD part is based on linux-minidisc. The changes made by me can be found in my NetMD Repo.
External Atrac3 encoding is done using atracdenc.
cd2netmd will grab the CD info from gnudb.org to name the titles on the disc. It supports lp2 and lp4 MDLP modi. In MDLP mode it will group the audio tracks into a new group named after the CD.
cd2netmd supports following command line arguments:
cd2netmd Version v0.4.0, built at Nov 19 2021
Project site: https://github.com/Jo2003/cd2netmd
Usage: cd2netmd.exe [options]
-v --verbose [default: false]
Does verbose output.
-h --help [default: false]
Prints help screen and exits program.
-a --append [default: false]
Don't erase MD before writing, but append tracks instead. MDs discs title will not be
-n --no-cddb [default: false]
Don't use CDDB. Your tracks on MD will be untitled.
-g --no-group [default: false]
Don't create group for new tracks on MD.
-d --drive-letter [default: -]
Drive letter of CD drive to use (w/o colon). If not given first CD drive found will be used.
-e --encode [default: sp]
On-the-fly encoding mode on NetMD device while transfer. Default is 'sp'. Note: MDLP modi
(lp2, lp4) are supported only on SHARP IM-DR4x0, Sony MDS-JB980, and Sony MDS-JE780.
-x --ext-encode [default: no]
External encoding before NetMD transfer. Default is 'no'. MDLP modi (lp2, lp4) are
supported. Note: lp4 sounds horrible. Use it - if any - only for audio books! In case your
NetMD device supports On-the-fly encoding, better use -e option instead!
Note: If the MD in your drive isn't empty cd2netmd will ask you if you want to delete it.
To use this tool you have to install the WebUSB driver using a tool named Zadig first.
Please keep in mind that this tool is in a early stage. Things might work ... or even not work.
There is no plan to port this dirty stuff to Linux or Mac. There you have a whole lot of command line tools you easely can combine in a bash script to do these things done in this pease of code.
extracts the CD in first drive, erases the MD, titles the MD, transfers all audio tracks to NetMD using SP mode, titles the tracks an MD.cd2netmd -e lp2
same as above, but uses NetMD devices on-the-fly lp2 encoder to store the tracks in lp2 format on MD.cd2netmd -x lp2
same as above, but uses the external ATRAC3 encoder (in case your device doesn't support on-the-fly encoding).cd2netmd -x lp2 -g
same as above, but will not group new tracks on MD.cd2netmd -a -x lp2
same as above, but doesn't erase MD. New tracks will be appended to MD. Disc title will not be changed.cd2netmd -d f
uses CD drive f: