This is a project that I wanted to do since I saw a gif of the same thing on r/oddlysatisfying. When I saw the gif, that contained just 20 dots (Here the Why of the name) i undesrstood how it worked:
There are 20 dots, so the gif will last 20 seconds
During these 20 seconds the farthest dot will do 20 turns, while the closest to the middle will do just one
The dot on the middle does not move
The gif that is in the same repository was created by recording the code while working, it's not the gif I found on r/oddlysatisfying. I found the autor of the original gif, and he/she did it in geogebra and recorded it with OBS.
Make sure to take a look at the original here!
The code was made and executed in Processing, a Java based programming language.
The main code can be found in the sketch_20_dots.pde