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Map-Reduce Implementation on Kubernetes (Project 2024)

for Principles of Distributed Systems Class, Technical University of Crete


This project implements a Map-Reduce framework on Kubernetes to compute word frequencies from input files stored in Minio. It utilizes various components such as UI service, authentication service, Cassandra for metadata storage, and Kubernetes-managed workers for executing Map-Reduce tasks.

Deployment and Cleanup

Create Kubernetes Deployment

To deploy the entire system on Kubernetes:

make deploy

Clean Kubernetes Deployment

To remove all deployed components from Kubernetes:

make clean

How to Run

Using the Client CLI (

  1. Port Forwarding for UI Service:

    Forward the UI service port to access it locally:

    kubectl port-forward service/ui-service 8080:8080 -n dena
  2. Admin Operations:

    • Login as admin:

      python3 login --username admin --password admin
    • Logout:

      python3 logout
    • Create a new user as admin:

      python3 admin create-user user2
  3. Job Submission:

    Submit a job to process a specific filename (ensure the file is in "map-reduce-input-files" bucket in Minio):

    python3 jobs submit filename
  4. Job Status:

    Check the status of a submitted job using its job_id:

    python3 jobs status job_id

Additional Scripts in testing_scripts

This directory includes useful scripts for development and testing:

  1. Displays contents of a file stored in Minio.

  2. Generates input files with a specified number of words and stores them in Minio.

  3. Tests connectivity and functionality of Cassandra.

  4. test_minio: Checks the contents of Minio buckets.



  • UI Service: Flask API handling user commands.

  • Auth Service: FastAPI managing user login and token assignment.

  • Cassandra: Distributed data storage for job metadata and temporary data.

  • Manager: Flask API coordinating Map-Reduce execution, managing workers, and metadata.

  • Workers: Kubernetes jobs executing Map-Reduce tasks.

  • Minio: Persistent storage for input files, output files, and Map-Reduce chunks.

Map-Reduce Algorithm Workflow

  1. Job Initialization:

    • UI service forwards a job to /initialize_job endpoint of Manager service, storing job metadata in Cassandra with status initialized.
  2. Split Phase (Worker Job - Split):

    • Worker job retrieves the input file from Minio, splits it into chunks, and stores them in a Minio bucket (chunk_bucket). It notifies the Manager service upon completion.
  3. Map Phase (Worker Job - Map):

    • Manager creates mapper jobs based on the number of chunks.
    • Mapper jobs retrieve chunks from Minio, perform mapping, and store data in Cassandra (map_table). They notify the Manager upon completion.
  4. Shuffle-Sort Phase (Worker Job - Shuffle-Sort):

    • Manager aggregates and sorts mapped data into shuffle_sort_table in Cassandra.
    • Worker job retrieves data, performs shuffling and sorting, and stores results back in Cassandra. It notifies the Manager upon completion.
  5. Reduce Phase (Worker Job - Reduce):

    • Manager creates reducer jobs based on configured reducers.
    • Reducer jobs retrieve data from Cassandra, perform reduction operations, and store results in reduce_table. They notify the Manager upon completion.
  6. Combine Phase (Worker Job - Combine):

    • Manager initiates a combine job to aggregate reduced results.
    • Worker job retrieves data from Cassandra, performs combining, and stores the output JSON file in the output Minio bucket. It notifies the Manager upon completion.
  7. Job Completion:

    • Manager updates job status to completed upon receiving notification from the combine job.