This is a toy Django app which I use to throw in code to try out different concepts in Django, so it can be a bit messy here and there. Also it might contain code that is not used anymore. So you can say it's just a playground where I can throw anything in for testing.
Among other things it includes:
- pages app
- users app
- blog app
- uses django markdown editor for blog posts
- comments on post with django-contrib-comments
- hooks into update of bosts with django-lifecycle
- custom user model (email instead of username)
- e-mail verification
- django debug toolbar (only in development)
- docker files for spinning up containers (python and postgresql)
- basic tests for pages and users
- different settings files for development and production
The setting file are split up in production and a development settings files. Also the project have one docker-compose.yml for production and one for development. Within the docker-compose files you can find the parameter for which settings file to use on the runserver command. To make it easier and less to type for each command, there is a Makefile with different common operations.
- Clone this repository
Install Docker Desktop to be able to use the docker environment.
Create an .env file in the root folder with the the following parameters:
SENDGRID_PASSWORD=<you sendgrid password>
SENDGRID_USERNAME=<your sendgrid username>
SECRET_KEY=<your secret key>
- In the directory where you cloned the repository, run the following command:
make dev_build
- The container should now be up and running. Run:
make dev_web_exec cmd='python -m pip install -r requirements.txt''
To install the dependencies.
- Restart the container and rebuild it:
make dev_build
Then check in you browser that you see a start web page at
- Run a migration to build the databases
make dev_web_exec cmd='python migrate'
- Create a Django super user to log in to the admin
make dev_web_exec cmd='python createsuperuser'
and login with the super user account you just created. -
Go on and build you app.
If you want to stop the container run:
make dev_down