A relational database access layer for C++
Tested with:
- Mac OS X 10.9: CLang/LLVM 64-Bit (LLVM 3.3svn)
- Windows 7 x86: Visual Studio 2013 Desktop Express
- Windows 8.1 x64: Visual Studio 2013 Desktop Express
- Windows 10 x64: Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition
- Windows 7 x86: MinGW 4.8
- Windows 8.1 x64: MinGW 4.8
- Ubuntu 13.10 x86: GCC 4.8.1
- Ubuntu 13.10 x64: GCC 4.8.1
For systems other than Windows use Qt Creator to compile/edit the project. The project it self doesn't rely on Qt Libraries, but qmake is used as project manager.
For Windows Systems use Visual Studio 2015.