#Torque3D v2 + Game Mechanics Kit (GMK) + Bullet Physics
I merge the code and fix minor bugs. If someone want to play and test this product
- Torque 3D Game Engine main repository
- Code merged [You are here] (https://github.com/John3/T3D_GMK_BULLET)
- Torque3D-Documentation
- Torque3D-ProjectManager
- [Official GMK repo] (https://github.com/logicking/GMK)
- [My GMK fork] (https://github.com/John3/GMK)
- Information about GMK: http://www.logicking.com/index.php?page=gameMechanicsKit
- Some videos about GMK: https://www.youtube.com/user/logickingcom/videos
- Forum: http://forums.torque3d.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=728
I documented some issues: https://github.com/John3/T3D_GMK_BULLET/issues
As a note aside I manage to merge and compile GMK and GuideBot but have some important bugs from the TorqueScript side that I need to manage. (I think GuideBot is unfinished)
#Pre-compiled Versions
Download executable... Double click and run!
You can download the executable from here:
As you can see from the release note, this are the versions used:
- Torque3D v2.0
- Game Mechanics Kit (GMK) v1.2.13
- Bullet Physics v2.78 release 2383
The MIT License [MIT] (https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license)