John Marshall 3/34/2015
This is a repository of the class projects I did in ECE 3574, Applied Software Design.
All projects are written in C++ using QT. To run one, download the HW#_MARSHALL_JOHN.tar.gz unzip it, then navigate to the directory in terminal. Type "qmake" then "make" follow the run instructions provided with the help portion on the prog.
HW1 is a simple calendar billing program, it uses a .dat file to save names and dates and times to a file for "billing" purposes.
HW2 is a Dictionary project, it uses the build in Dictionary in Ubuntu to analyze a user inputted text file for spelling errors and word counts (correct words and misspelled).
HW3 is the same implementation of HW2, but it includes a GUI for much easier interfacing. to run, just run the executable name
HW4 is a GUI based simulator for a very simple computer, it reads a program file and includes buttons to allow a user to step through instructions and see what happens to data memory. to run, just run the executable name