- A passionate Full-Stack developer with experience in working on shared codebases, emphasizing collaboration and quality coding practices.
- Playing soccer in my spare time.
- Personal website: link
- This is my resume.
Description: GalacticoGear is a dynamic e-commerce platform, combining a Flask backend with a React frontend powered by Redux for robust state management. It enables users to create, review, delete, and explore products. Features include an intuitive search bar, review system, and a fully functional shopping cart. Additionally, users can curate their favorite products on a dedicated Favorites page.
Description: ShutterScape is a sophisticated platform, designed as a replica of Flickr. It offers features for creating, updating, and managing photo posts. Users can create photo albums, group photos, and manage album contents. The platform also supports commenting on posts, favoriting posts, and includes a dynamic search feature and tagging system.
Credit: Abdul Khalid