- Joey Eikins (j-eikens)
- Nathan Johnson (ntjohn3551)
- Amanda Nyren (anyren)
- John Torgerson (JohnTorgerson)
Can happiness of people be predicted by measurable statistics from where they live? To answer this question, we found data from 2021 on the GDP per capita, how free they feel to make life choices, social support available, and life expectancy.
Data was taken from the World Happiness Report -
is the original dataset downloaded from the World Happiness Report website linked above and saved as a csvdata_cleaning_exploration.ipynb
is the Jupyter Notebook we used to clean and perform initial data explorationcleaned_happiness_2021.csv
is the output of the cleaning process that removes countries with null values in columns relevant to our study, limits data to 2021, and adds latitude and longitudeFinal_Analysis.ipynb
contains our final analysis of the datasetmaps
directory contains screenshots of the maps used in our analysis