This is a backend for our project written in a healthy mix of Java, HTML, and C++.
This project is designed to monitor the occupancy of a team room using an ESP32 microcontroller, a Java server, and a web interface built with HTML and JavaScript. The ESP32 periodically sends occupancy data to the server, which is then displayed in real-time on the web interface.
When the team room is available, it looks like this:
And when it is occupied, it looks like this:
To deploy this project, follow these steps:
Compile the Java files located in the
directory and pack them into a JAR file using the
file. -
Set up a reverse proxy with Nginx, and configure the endpoint for the Java server to
on port 8001. -
Compile the ESP32 code located in the
directory and flash it onto an ESP32 microcontroller. The specific model used in this project is an ESP32-WROOM-32 dev board; follow the vendor's guide to flash the board with Arduino. -
Place the frontend files located in the
directory into the HTML folder of the Nginx server. On a Debian-based system with an APT-based install of Nginx, the HTML folder should be located at/var/www/html/