There is also a tool that can preview the GUI on the Linux, check the repo here.
- Operating System : Ubuntu 16.04
- arm-none-eabi-gcc : v4.9.3 (20150529)
- gcc : v 5.4.0 (20160609)
- make : GNU Make 4.1
$ git clone # proj $ git clone # viewer
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi # ARM embedded gcc compiler
$ sudo apt-get install libx11-dev # x window library $ sudo apt-get install openocd # flash tool * tools [optional] + screen, tmux : serial communication + gdb, cgdb : gcc debugger (via
make debug
- proj
$ cd parser/ $ make $ make flash
- viewer
$ cd viewer/ $ make $ ./xdemo # show demo svg on linux
---------------------- ------------------- ---------------- -----------
| presentation layer | => | rendering layer | => | output layer | => | drivers |
---------------------- ------------------- ---------------- -----------
* presentation layer: libsvgtiny, ezxml
* render layer : twin
* output layer : uGUI
* main()
+ twin_fbdev_create() : initialize hardware
+ twin_svg_index_start() : svg parsing and drawing
- svgtiny_parse() : parse svg to drawing information
- render_path/text() : call vector graphics library to finish drawing
+ twin_fbdev_activate() : first paint/update screen of hardware
+ twin_dispatch() : global loop for updating (window, screen, process input)
* manually copy svg (markup code) codes into apps/twin_svg.c via 'vim'
* flash binary files into MCU (Micro Control Unit)
* parsing svg codes into drawing information for vector graphics library
- proj/
- apps/ - user code to build GUI
- backend/ - drivers for hardware (stm32f429)
- cmsis/ - general protocol to use the core of MCU
- cmsis_boot/ - boot config
- gdb.script - debug config
- - convert svg codes to string
- ld/ - linking scripts (ref)
- libsvgtiny/ - svg and xml parser (analyze svg files for vector engine)
- STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver/ - STM32F4xx Standard peripheral drivers
- syscalls/ - a malloc function for using external sdram
- twin/ - vector graphics library
- uGUI/ - mini GUI library as driver interface (ref:
- apps/ - user code to build GUI
- viewer/
- apps/ - user code to build GUI
- backend/ - drivers for hardware (x11)
- - convert svg codes to string
- libsvgtiny/ - svg and xml parser (analyze svg files for vector engine)
- src/ - vector graphics library (twin)
- include/ - some extra twin libraries
- apps/ - user code to build GUI