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Full Stack App - Part B

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Our website, PetMatch, is a web-based internal system designed to assist animal shelters/pet adoption agencies in managing their animal listings. The main purpose of the website is to provide a centralised location for storing and updating information about the animals' who are available for adoption at the shelter, or in current vet care at the shelter.

This information can include basic details such as the animal's name, age, breed, and a photo, as well as more specific information in each listing description that is relevant for other staff at the shelter to know such as notes about medication or compatibility with other pets. By having this information in one place, employees can easily access and update it. This will help streamline the adoption process and improve not only the communication between staff at the shelter, but also the overall care of the animals and the accuracy of information provided to customers who are looking to adopt a pet.

Functionality/ features
  • Employee login and Dashboard: Employees will be able to access the system using a login which is unique to each individual employee, which will ensure that only authorised staff have access to the information. It will also assist in internal communication as employees will be able to view which of their colleagues created a listing.
  • Admin Login and Dashboard: The application will have different levels of access to ensure maximum security and data integrity. Regular employee accounts will be able to read and update all of their current animal listings, as well as delete and create new listings as necessary. The admin login will have all of these capabilities in addition to being able to add new user accounts for new employees. This will significantly increase the security of the site, as it prevents unwanted accounts from being created by people who are unauthorised, as creating a new account can only be done with the Admin login details. As all employee accounts will have the capability to edit all the shelters listings and view the shelters private information, this feature is one of the key requirements of the client.
  • Animal Listings: The website will have a list of animals available for adoption, which will include basic information such as the animal's name, age, type (for example dog, cat, bird etc), and a photo of the animal. Each listing will also have a description field where employees can also add notes about the animal's medical history, behaviour, and compatibility with other pets, as well as any other information that may be useful for other employees who handle the animals at the shelter as well as potential adopters.
  • Full CRUD functionality: Employees will have the ability to create new animal listings, read existing information, update existing information, and delete listings of animals that no longer need to be stored in their system.
  • Adoption Tracking: The website will allow employees to update an animal's listing from available to adopted when an animal is adopted. This will make it easy for employees to track which animals are still available for adoption and which have been adopted, allowing them to quickly provide accurate information to customers who wish to adopt a pet as well as streamline their internal processes.
Target audience

Target Audience: The target audience for the website is local animal shelters and pet adoption agencies. It is intended for internal use by employees to manage information about the animals within their care and improve internal communication. It is not intended for public use.

Tech stack
  • Front-end: React.js is used to handle the client-side logic of the application, which we have used to create reusable UI components that send and retrieve data from the back-end. HTML5, CSS and JavaScript are all used to create responsive UI views.
  • Back-end: Express.js and Node.js are used to handle the server-side logic of the website.
  • Database: MongoDB is used to store information about both employee login information and the animals and their listings.
  • Testing: Postman, Jest
  • Project Management: Discord, Trello
  • Source control: Git, GitHub
  • Deployment: Railway, Netlify

Dataflow Diagram

Dataflow Diagram

Application Architecture Diagram

Application Architecture Diagram

User Stories

Our application is for internal organisational use, therefore our 2 types of users are employees and administrators.


  • As an employee I want to be able to view all animals in our database so I can see what animals we have available for adoption.
  • As an employee I want to be able to add new animals to the database so new animals can be added to the database and made available for adoption
  • As an employee I want to be able to update medication details for animals so that other employees can view this information and it can be kept up to date
  • As an employee I want to be able to mark animals as ‘adopted’ when an animal is successfully placed in a new home. This means that other users will know this animal is no longer available for adoption.
  • As an employee I want to be able to remove animals from the database when they no longer need to be listed. This keeps the database up to date so that all animals listed are relevant


  • As an administrator I want to be able to do all of the above.
  • As an administrator I want to be able to add new employees so that any new staff can be added to the database.
  • As an administrator I want to be able to remove employees who have left our organization so that they no longer have access to our database.
  • As an administrator I want to be able to edit employee details so that any personal details can be updated, keeping the database relevant.


Our wireframes represent three standard screen sizes: Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.

Due to the application being an internal system, the opening screen will be the log in. This ensures all users are authorized as employees before being able to access any of the information stored about the animals within the application.

Login Page


View All Listings

New Listing

The individual animal listings will be accessible on their own page, which will be routed based on the listing id.

Listing Page

Edit Listing

As specified, the new employee form will only be accessible when the currently signed in user is an Admin, as per the user requirements. New Employee

Trello board screenshots

Trello Board

Trello board screenshot1 Trello board screenshot 2 Trello board screenshot 3 Trello board screenshot 4 Trello board screenshot 5 Trello board screenshot 6


  • Bcrypt: A hashing algorithm that helps to hash passwords for encryption purposes. It also includes a salt value, which is a string of random characters that are added prior to the hashing, further increasing the security of the password when it is stored in the database.
  • Cookie-parser: A Node middleware module that handles HTTP cookies that are sent by the server and stored in the in the client browser.
  • Cors: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is an inbuilt browser security feature that blocks web pages from making requests to different domains. It does this by sending header data that specifies which domains are able to make server requests. This provides increased security and blocks any unauthorised access.
  • Express: A Node framework that provides a server side runtime for Javascript. It allows for simpler routing and middleware.
  • Express-async-handler: An Express middleware module used for handling asynchronous errors in route handlers. It provides a wrapper function to handle asynchronous code so that errors can be handled in a consistent manner.
  • JSON Web Token: A means of authentication and authorisation for API's that works by transmitting information via JSON objects. This information is contained within 3 parts, a header, payload and signature. JWT's are generated when a user logs in and are then used to verify the user in subsequent server requests.
  • Mongoose: A Javascript library that allows interaction with MongoDB. It provides an object data modelling layer of abstraction on top of the database, allowing for simpler database manipulation and querying through the use of schemas and models.
  • Multer: A middleware used to handle image uploads for Node applications. It allows images to be received and sent from a client to the server by intercepting and parsing requests.
  • Jest: A Javascript testing framework used to write tests for applications. It allows for automated testing, assertions and mock data to test functions within an application. It can test individual functions as well as snapshot testing.
  • Axios: A Javascript library that facilitates HTTP requests between browser and a Node server. Axios provides an interface for requests to an API, and allows for interception between requests and responses, allowing for simple data retrieval.
  • Bootstrap: A front-end framework providing styling for applications. Bootstrap contains pre-designed CSS, HTML and Javascript for components that can be added to project for easier and consistent styling.
  • React-Router: A library used for handling the routing for React applictions. It allows for management of URLs for route definition purposes and allows for different components to be rendered depending on defined routes. This allows users to navigate different pages to provide a simple and dynamic user experience.
  • Babel: A tool used to convert Javascript code into code that can be used on older browsers that otherwise would have been incompatible with the application. It transpiles Javascript, JSX and Typescript so that it is more widely compatible.

Manual Testing

Animal RoutesManual User Testing Users RoutesManual User Testing


PetMatch Backend






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