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inconsistent results between emerging_hotspot_analysis() and mannually calculating hotspots step-by-step #41

johnForne opened this issue Nov 28, 2023 · 8 comments


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Kia ora Josiah

Thanks for your work on sfdep:: I was happy to see an sf-friendly package.

However, I've discovered that there are some inconsistencies that I can't explain between what I get if I use the emerging_hotspot_analysis() and try to do the same thing step by step.

I note that the "include_gi = TRUE," argument doesn't seem to work. So I wasn't able to really dig into where/how the inconsistencies came in...

The following example uses the guerry dataset and shows that I get a different picture depending on whether I use emerging_hotspot_analysis() (top map) vs doing it step-by-step (lower map).


plot_zoom_png (3)

Can you please resolve the issue with the argument include_gi?

Can you also please clarify why my results are so different? I'm looking to use the function in some published indicators I'm working on - but need to have confidence that they match what I get through step-by-step.

Thanks heaps,



# replicate the guerry dataset 10 times
x <- purrr::map_dfr(1:10, ~guerry)  %>%  
  dplyr::select(code_dept, crime_pers) %>% 
  # create an indicator for time period
  mutate(time_period = sort(rep(1:10, 85)), 
         # add some noise 
         crime_pers = crime_pers * runif(850, max = 2))


# check what this looks like for one time period
x %>% 
  filter(time_period == 1) %>% 
  st_set_crs(27572) %>% 
  simplevis::gg_sf_col(col_var = crime_pers)

# test using emerging_hotspot_analysis() which first requires creating a spacetime object...
spt <- as_spacetime(x, "code_dept", "time_period")

ehsa_guerry <-
                            include_gi = TRUE, # note the include_gi argument doesn't seem to work.
                            threshold = 0.05)  %>% 
  mutate(classification = factor(
    levels = c(
      "consecutive hotspot",
      "sporadic hotspot",
      "new hotspot",
      "new coldspot",
      "sporadic coldspot",
      "consecutive coldspot",
      "persistent coldspot",
      "no pattern detected"

rcartocolor::carto_pal(n = 9, name = "Prism") %>% 

p <- c(rev(c("#CC503E", "#E17C05", "#EDAD08", "#73AF48", "#0F8554", "#38A6A5", "#1D6996")),"grey")

guerry %>% 
  left_join(ehsa_guerry, by = c("code_dept" = "location")) %>% 
  st_set_crs(27572) %>% 
  simplevis::gg_sf_col(col_var = classification,
                       pal = p,
                       title = "Emerging hotspots - using sfdep::emerging_hotspot_analysis()")

# compare what the output from emerging_hotspot_analysis() looks like relative to doing it step-by-step----
# identify neighbours and assign weights----
x_ <- x %>%
  mutate(nb = include_self(st_contiguity(geometry)),
         wt = st_weights(nb)) %>% 

# calculate local_gstar----
guerry_gi_star <- x_ %>% 
  map(. %>% mutate(nb = include_self(st_contiguity(geometry)),
                   wt = st_weights(nb)) %>% transmute(gi_star = local_gstar(crime_pers, nb, wt))) %>% 
  map(. %>% tidyr::unnest(gi_star)) %>% 
  map2(names(.), ~ mutate(.x, time_period = .y)) %>% 
  map(. %>% mutate(code_dept = x_[[1]]$code_dept)) %>% 
  map(. %>% relocate(code_dept, everything())) %>% 

# map it for one time period----
guerry_gi_star %>% 
  st_set_crs(27572) %>% 
  filter(time_period == "1") %>% 
  simplevis::gg_sf_col(col_var = gi_star)
# and now calculate the trends----
guerry_gi_star_l <- guerry_gi_star %>% 
  st_drop_geometry() %>% 

mk <- guerry_gi_star_l %>%
  furrr::future_map( ~ .x %>%
                       pull(gi_star) %>%
                       mmkh() %>% %>% rownames_to_column(var = "output") %>% pivot_wider(names_from = "output",
                                                                                                         values_from = ".")

mk_ <- mk %>%
  bind_rows(.id = "code_dept") %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(`Original Z`, `old P.value`, old.variance)) %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>% 
  mutate(code_dept = as.factor(code_dept))


guerry_gi_star_mk <- guerry_gi_star %>%
  left_join(mk_, by = c("code_dept"))

# categories adapted from
guerry_gi_star_mk_cat <- guerry_gi_star_mk %>%
    hotspot = case_when(
      gi_star <= -2.58 ~ "Cold spot 99%",
      gi_star > -2.58 & gi_star <= -1.645 ~ "Cold spot 90%",
      gi_star > -1.645 & gi_star <= -0.9542 ~ "Cold spot 66%",
      gi_star >= 0.9542 & gi_star < 1.645 ~ "Hot spot 66%",
      gi_star >= 1.645 & gi_star < 2.58 ~ "Hot spot 90%",
      gi_star >= 2.58 ~ "Hot spot 99%",
      TRUE ~ "Not Significant"
  ) %>% # adapted from and adapted to align this with IPCC thresholds
  mutate(hotspot = factor(
    levels = c(
      "Cold spot 99%",
      "Cold spot 90%",
      "Cold spot 66%",
      "Not Significant",
      "Hot spot 66%",
      "Hot spot 90%",
      "Hot spot 99%"
  )) %>%
  group_by(code_dept) %>%
  arrange(code_dept, time_period) %>%
    hot = case_when(hotspot %in% c(# "Hot spot 66%", # remove to aligned with sfdep::emerging_hotspot_analysis() which seems to use a default threshold of 0.01.
      "Hot spot 90%",
      "Hot spot 99%") ~ 1,
      TRUE ~ 0),
    cold = case_when(hotspot %in% c(# "Cold spot 66%", # remove to aligned with sfdep::emerging_hotspot_analysis() which seems to use a default threshold of 0.01.
      "Cold spot 90%",
      "Cold spot 99%") ~ 1,
      TRUE ~ 0),
    prev_hot = lag(hot),
    prev_cold = lag(cold),
    n_hot = sum(hot),
    p_hot = n_hot / length(hot),
    n_cold = sum(cold),
    p_cold = n_cold / length(cold),
    next_h = case_when(hot != lag(hot) ~ 1),
    n_changes_hot = sum(next_h, na.rm = TRUE),
    next_c = case_when(cold != lag(cold) ~ 1),
    n_changes_cold = sum(next_c, na.rm = TRUE),
    cat = case_when(
      last(hot) == 1 &
        n_hot == 1 ~ "new hotspot",
      # A location that is a statistically significant hot spot for the final time step and has never been a statistically significant hot spot before.
      last(hot) == 1 &
        n_hot == 2 &
      p_hot < 0.9 ~ "consecutive hotspot",
      # A location with a single uninterrupted run of at least two statistically significant hot spot bins in the final time-step intervals. The location has never been a statistically significant hot spot prior to the final hot spot run and less than 90 percent of all bins are statistically significant hot spots.
      last(hot) == 1 &
        n_changes_hot >= 3 &
        p_hot < 0.9 &
        n_cold == 0 ~ "sporadic hotspot",
      # A statistically significant hot spot for the final time-step interval with a history of also being an on-again and off-again hot spot (i.e. there are not more than two consecutive hotspots). Less than 90 percent of the time-step intervals have been statistically significant hot spots and none of the time-step intervals have been statistically significant cold spots.
      p_hot >= 0.9 &
        last(hot) == 1 &
        tau > 0 &
        new_p_value <= 0.333 ~ "intensifying hotspot",
      # A location that has been a statistically significant hot spot for 90 percent of the time-step intervals, including the final time step. In addition, the intensity of clustering of high counts in each time step is increasing overall and that increase is statistically significant.
      p_hot >= 0.9 &
        new_p_value > 0.333 ~ "persistent hotspot",
      # A location that has been a statistically significant hot spot for 90 percent of the time-step intervals with no discernible trend in the intensity of clustering over time.
      p_hot >= 0.9 &
        new_p_value <= 0.333 &
        tau < 0 &
        last(hot == 1) ~ "diminishing hotspot",
      # A location that has been a statistically significant hot spot for 90 percent of the time-step intervals, including the final time step. In addition, the intensity of clustering in each time step is decreasing overall and that decrease is statistically significant.
      last(hot == 0) & p_hot >= 0.9 ~ "historic hotspot",
      # The most recent time period is not hot, but at least 90 percent of the time-step intervals have been statistically significant hot spots.
      last(cold) == 1 &
        n_cold == 1 ~ "new coldspot",
      # A location that is a statistically significant cold spot for the final time step and has never been a statistically significant cold spot before.
      last(hot) == 1 &
        n_hot == 2 &
      p_cold < 0.9 ~ "consecutive coldspot",
      # A location with a single uninterrupted run of at least two statistically significant cold spot bins in the final time-step intervals. The location has never been a statistically significant cold spot prior to the final cold spot run and less than 90 percent of all bins are statistically significant cold spots.
      last(cold) == 1 &
        n_changes_cold >= 3 &
        p_cold < 0.9 &
        n_hot == 0 ~ "sporadic coldspot",
      # A statistically significant cold spot for the final time-step interval with a history of also being an on-again and off-again cold spot (i.e. there are not more than two consecutive coldspots). Less than 90 percent of the time-step intervals have been statistically significant cold spots and none of the time-step intervals have been statistically significant hot spots.
      p_cold >= 0.9 &
        last(cold) == 1 &
        tau < 0 &
        new_p_value <= 0.333 ~ "intensifying coldspot",
      # A location that has been a statistically significant cold spot for 90 percent of the time-step intervals, including the final time step. In addition, the intensity of clustering of low counts in each time step is increasing overall and that increase is statistically significant.
      p_cold >= 0.9 &
        new_p_value > 0.333 ~ "persistent coldspot",
      # A location that has been a statistically significant cold spot for 90 percent of the time-step intervals with no discernible trend in the intensity of clustering over time.
      p_cold >= 0.9 &
        new_p_value <= 0.333 &
        tau < 0 &
        last(cold == 1) ~ "diminishing coldspot",
      # A location that has been a statistically significant cold spot for 90 percent of the time-step intervals, including the final time step. In addition, the intensity of clustering in each time step is decreasing overall and that decrease is statistically significant.
      last(cold == 0) & p_cold >= 0.9 ~ "historic coldspot"
    # The most recent time period is not cold, but at least 90 percent of the time-step intervals have been statistically significant cold spots.
  ) %>%
  mutate(cat = replace_na(cat, "no pattern detected")) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(cat = factor(
    levels = c(
      "consecutive hotspot",
      "sporadic hotspot",
      "new hotspot",
      "new coldspot",
      "sporadic coldspot",
      "consecutive coldspot",
      "persistent coldspot",
      "no pattern detected"

# map it----
guerry_gi_star_mk_cat %>% 
  group_by(code_dept) %>% 
  slice(1) %>% 
  st_set_crs(27572) %>% 
  simplevis::gg_sf_col(col_var = cat,
                             pal = p,
                             title = "Emerging hotspots - manually using sfdep::local_gstar, mann_kendall, etc.")

# mmm... so there appear to be lots of differences between the two methods... Though it is unclear how emerging_hotspot_analysis() categorises the data so a more robust comparision is to look at the tau and p-values (noting that the include_gi = TRUE argument doesn't seem to be working so we can't compare gi_star values)

mk <- guerry_gi_star_l %>%
  furrr::future_map( ~ .x %>%
                       values_from = ".")
                       mutate(mk = mann_kendall(gi_star, alternative = "greater")))

mk_ <- mk %>%
  bind_rows(.id = "code_dept") %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>% 
  mutate(code_dept = as.factor(code_dept))

mk_ %>% 
  group_by(code_dept) %>% 
  slice(1) %>% 
  unnest() %>% 
  dplyr::select(code_dept, gi_star, p_value, tau) %>% 
  left_join(ehsa_guerry, by = c("code_dept" = "location")) %>% # note I'm pretty sure that emerging_hotspot_analyais() calls MannKendall() which returns a two-sided p-value.
  ungroup() %>% 
  summarise(sbs_n_p_less_05 = sum(p_value.x < 0.05),
            ehsa_n_p_less_05 = sum((p_value.y/2) < 0.05), # I'm dividing by 2 to turn a two-sided p-value into a one-sided p-value
            dif_tau = sum(tau.x != tau.y),
            n_sbs_positive_tau = sum(tau.x > 0),
            n_sbs_negative_tau = sum(tau.x < 0),
            n_ehsa_positive_tau = sum(tau.y > 0),
            n_ehsa_negative_tau = sum(tau.y < 0),
            n_diff_pos_neg = sum(tau.x > 0 & tau.y < 0 | tau.x < 0 & tau.y > 0 ),
            n_dif_ehsa_sig = sum((p_value.y/2) < 0.05 & (tau.x > 0 & tau.y < 0 | tau.x < 0 & tau.y > 0 )))

# note it is unclear whether the ehsa_guerry p_value relates to the gi_star or mannKendall result... I suspect is relates to the gi_star...

# So there are 16 code_dept(s) that ehsa finds have a significant p-value (< 0.05) but that have different tau values. This seems to suggest that over half the estimated slopes might be wrong??? That said it is apparent from below that there are only five polygons/code_dept that have a statistically significant (p-value <= 0.1) trend and of these five none had more than 0.5 of the timeseries that were hotspots (they needed to have at least 0.9 of the timesteps as hotspots). Hence none of them were intensifying or diminishing.

guerry_gi_star_mk_cat %>% 
  filter(new_p_value <= 0.05) %>% 
  # distinct(code_dept)

# ok so there are only five polygons/code_dept that have a statistically significant (p-value <= 0.1) trend and of these five none had more than 0.5 of the timeseries that were hotspots. Hence none of them were intensifying or diminishing.
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Thanks @johnForne! Unfortunately I cannot replicate your code here.
A few things here. Firstly, your code does not replicate emerging hotspot analysis as it should be done. emerging hot spot analysis includes neighbors from different time lags. That means for code dept 1, its neighbors at the present time and the neighbors at a previous time are included in the calculation of the Gi*. By default k = 1 and not 0.

I'm also not so confident that your classification scheme is entirely accurate. These are fairly complex and you find them at

I also had to write a specific version of the Gi* to be able to include time neighbors as well so that's definitely a place where things can be come different.

I also think you're using a different version of the MK statistic than I (you're using, I think,

To use the output of include_gi you need to get it from an attribute. The attribute from the result can be gotten like so:


df_fp <- system.file("extdata", "bos-ecometric.csv", package = "sfdep")
geo_fp <- system.file("extdata", "bos-ecometric.geojson", package = "sfdep")

# read in data
df <- read.csv(df_fp, colClasses = c("character", "character", "integer", "double", "Date"))
geo <- sf::st_read(geo_fp)
#> Reading layer `bos-ecometric' from data source 
#>   `/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/library/sfdep/extdata/bos-ecometric.geojson' 
#>   using driver `GeoJSON'
#> Simple feature collection with 168 features and 1 field
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -71.19115 ymin: 42.22788 xmax: -70.99445 ymax: 42.3974
#> Geodetic CRS:  NAD83

# Create spacetime object called `bos`
bos <- spacetime(df, geo,
                 .loc_col = ".region_id",
                 .time_col = "time_period")

# conduct EHSA
ehsa <- emerging_hotspot_analysis(
  x = bos,
  .var = "value",
  k = 1,
  nsim = 9,
  include_gi = TRUE

attr(ehsa, "gi_star")
#>            gi_star p_sim
#> 1    -0.9851338521   0.1
#> 2    -1.1651720095   0.1
#> 3    -1.2901364459   0.1
#> 4    -0.9406102825   0.1
#> 5    -1.1077628305   0.1

Created on 2023-11-28 with reprex v2.0.2

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johnForne commented Nov 29, 2023 via email

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When creating a reproducible example, I'd recommend using reprex so that you can ensure that your code is reproducible. Your code uses a version of simplevis that has something called gg_sf_col() which is not available in the current release. It also does not load the library that the mmkh() is from (or call it by namespace), and some other things. Again, reprex is super handy here!

I took no creative direction with this implementation of Emerging Hot Spot Analysis and having since joined the team, I have confirmed that the way that neighbors and weights are used are correct. Neighbors are identified and weighted based on space. Then neighbors from k time lags are included in the calculation of the statistic.

A couple reasons why your code is likely not reproducing the results:

  • you're finding neighbors based on the entire dataset instead of just the space context. The means that the nb object is going to have indices greater than the number of rows per group. Instead you should use group_by(time_period) |> mutate(nb = include_self(st_contiguity(geometry))) so that you find neighbors per time period
    It also appears that your calculation of the MK stat is done for each and every location's value which is why you're getting null values. Here's a reprex that you can use to explore it further. I've spent over an hour on this this morning and that's all ive got in me ;)

You can fork the repository and explore the local_g_spt_calc() and functions like that. The package puts a lot of work into making sure that neighbors from the right time windows are fetched and used. The differences you are seeing are from a very slight difference in the calculation of the local G. The values are quite similar but slightly different. The p-values are also going to be different each run because of conditional permutation.

You can read my blog post on complete spatial randomness if you'd like (ugh looks like quarto broke my images!!! )


x <- purrr::map_dfr(1:10, ~guerry)  %>%  
  dplyr::select(code_dept, crime_pers) %>% 
  # create an indicator for time period
    time_period = sort(rep(1:10, 85)),
    crime_pers = crime_pers * runif(850, max = 2)

xnb <- x |> 
  group_by(time_period) |> 
    nb = include_self(st_contiguity(geometry)),
    wt = st_weights(nb)
  ) |> 

all_gis <- xnb |> 
  sf::st_drop_geometry() |> 
  group_by(time_period) |> 
    gi_star = local_gstar_perm(crime_pers, nb, wt)
  ) |> 

ehsa <- all_gis |> 
  group_by(code_dept) |> 
  summarise(mk =

#> # A tibble: 85 × 2
#>    code_dept  mk$tau    $sl    $S    $D $varS
#>    <fct>       <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 01         0.511  0.0491    23    45   125
#>  2 02         0.244  0.371     11    45   125
#>  3 03         0.0222 1          1    45   125
#>  4 04        -0.111  0.721     -5    45   125
#>  5 05        -0.200  0.474     -9    45   125
#>  6 07         0.289  0.283     13    45   125
#>  7 08         0.111  0.721      5    45   125
#>  8 09        -0.244  0.371    -11    45   125
#>  9 10        -0.111  0.721     -5    45   125
#> 10 11        -0.200  0.474     -9    45   125
#> # ℹ 75 more rows

# EHSA --------------------------------------------------------------------

spt <- as_spacetime(x, "code_dept", "time_period")

# use sfdep
ehsa_guerry <-
    include_gi = TRUE,
    threshold = 0.05,
    nsim = 99

#> # A tibble: 85 × 4
#>    location     tau p_value classification     
#>    <fct>      <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>              
#>  1 01        0.467   0.0736 sporadic hotspot   
#>  2 02        0.467   0.0736 sporadic hotspot   
#>  3 03        0.289   0.283  sporadic hotspot   
#>  4 04       -0.244   0.371  sporadic coldspot  
#>  5 05       -0.244   0.371  no pattern detected
#>  6 07        0.333   0.210  no pattern detected
#>  7 08        0.378   0.152  sporadic hotspot   
#>  8 09       -0.422   0.107  sporadic coldspot  
#>  9 10       -0.0222  1      sporadic hotspot   
#> 10 11       -0.378   0.152  sporadic coldspot  
#> # ℹ 75 more rows

Created on 2023-11-29 with reprex v2.0.2

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johnForne commented Dec 1, 2023 via email

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The tool uses the Individual time step windowing method and does not calculate Gi* in the context of the whole cube.

local_gstar_perm() also handles the lack of assumption of normality. This is done through the conditional permutation approach of calculating pseudo p-values. local_g_spt is not exported (i dont think) and is intended strictly for the use case of spacetime objects.

The pseudo p-values (simulated) are used to classify the hotspots (e.g. was it significant 5 times or fewer type of thing). The Gi* star value determines the type of hotspot (negative cold positive hot). You calculate the trend itself on the Gi* values themselves. So you chunk your data into k time steps calculate your statistic and then do a trend test on the statistic itself. :)

I hope that helps :)

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johnForne commented Dec 1, 2023 via email

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johnForne commented Dec 4, 2023 via email

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I can only recommend that you use emerging_hotspot_analysis() and use the approach there. Alternatively, if you have ArcGIS Pro available to you, you can use the original implementation there.

One last alternative approach you can take is to use the internal function spt_nb() to calculate space time neighbors and pass that to local_gstar_perm(). Below is an example of doing this.

To interpret the scores, you look at the sign of gi_star positive is "hot" and negative is "cold". I recommend you use p_folded_sim since it does not assume normality. You should not divide the p-value by 2. What you have described is a two-tailed test: that it is more extreme than expected under complete spatial randomness in either direction (hot or cold). You should also use a more conservative cutoff than 0.05 such as 0.001 as is recommended by Luc Anselin for conditional permutation approach to p-value calculation.

You should not be using the Gi* statistic to determine whether or not a trend is present. Lastly, its worth noting that the Mann-Kendall stat is non-parametric and has no assumption of normality.


x <- purrr::map_dfr(1:10, ~guerry)  %>%  
  dplyr::select(code_dept, crime_pers) %>% 
  # create an indicator for time period
    time_period = sort(rep(1:10, 85)),
    crime_pers = crime_pers * runif(850, max = 2)

# calculate neighbors in space
nb <- include_self(st_contiguity(guerry$geometry))

spt_nbs <- sfdep:::spt_nb(
  n_times = 10,
  n_locs = length(nb),
  k = 1
) |> 
  # handles bug in the internal function that makes it numeric 
  # not integer

# make it into a nb class object 
attributes(spt_nbs) <- attributes(nb)

# calculate row-standardized weights
wts <- st_weights(spt_nbs)

# use local_gstar_p
gis <- local_gstar_perm(x$crime_pers, spt_nbs, wts)

#>       gi_star        e_gi       var_gi    p_value        p_sim p_folded_sim
#> 1  2.81081999 0.001484892 1.041060e-07  2.1986013 0.0279062810        0.048
#> 2  0.07275412 0.001086474 8.546990e-08  0.3839037 0.7010498597        0.684
#> 3  3.07011902 0.001030353 8.024913e-08  3.8285633 0.0001288935        0.008
#> 4 -0.47830940 0.001237108 1.067520e-07 -0.7156852 0.4741857566        0.468
#> 5  0.07303781 0.001317220 1.300446e-07 -0.3082567 0.7578870420        0.808
#> 6 -1.86127253 0.001134215 6.955435e-08 -1.8565154 0.0633801274        0.044
#>   skewness  kurtosis
#> 1    0.024 0.4356863
#> 2    0.342 0.4500153
#> 3    0.004 0.3997048
#> 4    0.234 0.2333309
#> 5    0.404 0.3420084
#> 6    0.022 0.3065077

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