- Data Analyst/ Data Scientist
- Masters of Science (Statistical Science), Strathmore University, 2017-2019
- Bachelors of Science (Mathematics and ComputerScience), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, 2011-2015
- Women Techsters Fellow with Tech4Dev
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash
This project integrates various news source for performing sentiment analysis pertaining to #womenwhocode on twitter.
- Python libraries used: NLTK,Pandas,Textblob,Wordcloud,numpy,matplotlib,re,requests,json
- Input: Tweets, News
- Output: Sentiment of Tweets from Twitter under #womenwhocode hashtag
![alt text](caspar-camille-rubin-fPkvU7RDmCo-unsplash (1).jpg)
Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash
This project used Covid-19 Data obtained from OWID. The focus was to analyse the data in SQL.
- SQL libraries used: Sqlite3
- Input: Covid-19 complete Data(uptodate) with vaccinations and infections and deaths
- Output: Data exploratory tasks using SQL
![alt text](bence-boros-anapPhJFRhM-unsplash (1).jpg)
Photo by BENCE BOROS on Unsplash
This project used inbuilt google speech recognition and is in progress to use Africa's NLP. This project was also a collaborative effort between a group of ladies also doing the Women Techsters Bootcamp.
- Python libraries used: Tkinter,pyAudio,gTTS,os,re.
- Input: Voice recognition commands
- Output: Search capabilities on default windows search engine.