I'm a 23 years old creative developer, former Gobelins and working for Lovelace Paris.
- Showcasing my projects on my website 💻
- Sharing updates on LinkedIn 💼
I'm a 23 years old creative developer, former Gobelins and working for Lovelace Paris.
First ruby project in MMI workshop : create a virtual museum. Mine is about color in art. 🎨
Forked from lewislepton/shadertutorialseries
💡 Learning shaders from Youtube serie.
Forked from CamilleDeOliveira/faismoisigne
Plateforme de mise en relation entre des personnes désirant apprendre la langue des signes et ceux la pratiquant.
Ruby 1
Learna landing page based on Devanta Ebison design. (https://dribbble.com/shots/12201975-Alphabet-Design-Challenge-L-earning-Platform-Landing-Page)