Building an app using the methodology tdd or test driven development, We have used the best practice that thea autors know (JuanSeBestia, Jess casas)
We expect to have all mechanisms related of continuos integration and continus delivey CI/CD
- the documentation that doesn't require graphs would be made with MarckDown inside this git.
In sprint 1 we pretend to have a production app inside one cloud.
This proyect is inspired on other proyect made in other framework JuanSeBestia/react-calculator, see the onlie demo in DEMO REACT CALCULATOR
Histories and requirements of this app:
In sprint 2 we add one functionality of the same product, the new functionality would have had a backend service. The FrontEnd and Backend will coexist in the seame cloud.
We will use tecnologies wich autors have the oportunities to learn, We use the strategy of git called Git Feture Branch.
Jess casas is in charge of development, she specified the technology to depelopment this app is Angular & Ionic.
Jess casas will use Jest and Enzyme.
JuanSeBestia would use Azure Services (Pending to define)
JuanSeBestia Pending to define.
The authors will met in cafes, public transport or Google Meet to discuss topics about project, Acting JuanSeBestia as a Product Owner and Jess casas as a Lead Tech and Developer
We are going to use GitHub Proyects with Automated Kanban with reviews
to register all process inside of sprint, we use the issues of GitHub to report bugs and add new functionalities.