Welcome to Khan Blog Server! This server-side component is essential for managing the backend functionalities of the Khan Blog application. It provides the necessary APIs, authentication mechanisms, and database integration to support the blogging platform's operations.
- Express Framework: Khan Blog Server utilizes the Express framework to handle HTTP requests and routing, ensuring efficient and scalable backend operations.
- Authentication: User authentication is implemented using JSON Web Tokens (JWT), providing a secure and seamless login experience for users.
- Database Integration: Khan Blog Server integrates with MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, for storing and managing blog posts, user data, and other application-related information.
- Middleware Support: Middleware packages such as
are utilized to enhance functionality and security in handling cookies, cross-origin resource sharing, and other HTTP-related tasks. - Environment Variables: Dotenv is used for managing environment variables, allowing for easy configuration and deployment across different environments.
- cookie-parser: ^1.4.6
- cors: ^2.8.5
- dotenv: ^16.4.5
- express: ^4.19.2
- jsonwebtoken: ^9.0.2
- mongodb: ^6.6.1