Glickotlin is a Kotlin implementation of the Glicko2 algorithm.
Glicko2 as a public domain rating-system algorithm used in a wide variety of game leagues (chess, go, video games...). It is described by its inventor Mark Glickman on his website :
val glickotlin = Glickotlin()
val articuno = glickotlin.createPlayer(1500.0, 200.0, 0.06)
val zapdos = glickotlin.createPlayer(1400.0, 30.0)
val moltres = glickotlin.createPlayer(1550.0, 100.0)
val mewtwo = glickotlin.createPlayer(1700.0, 300.0)
articuno, listOf(
Game(zapdos, GameResult.VICTORY),
Game(moltres, GameResult.DEFEAT),
Game(mewtwo, GameResult.DEFEAT)