This repository contains a set of benchmarks implemented in different image processing suites. This is currently in fairly early stages and not yet ready for promotion. It is, however, open to enhancements and extensions.
Suites with mostly-complete support:
- JuliaImages
- Python's scikit-image
- Matlab and its image processing toolbox
- OpenCV (partial)
Currently there are two categories of benchmarks:
- the "generic" benchmarks do not require a carefully-crafted image, and the performance of the associated benchmarks should not depend on specific image content
- the "specialized" benchmarks for which the algorithm execution time may be dependent on image content (sometimes strongly so)
You can create these images using the Julia code (if needed, install Julia from
These instructions were tested on Linux, but with small modifications they should work for any operating system.
Navigate to the julia/
subdirectory, then launch Julia:
image_benchmarks/julia$ julia --project
or launch Julia via your GUI, and then navigate within Julia to this directory and "activate" the project:
julia> cd(raw"C:\path\to\this\repository\julia") # "raw" makes the \ non-escaping
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.activate(".") # use the `julia/` folder's Project.toml
and then execute the following at the Julia prompt:
julia> include("generate_images.jl")
generate_special (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> generate_random("/tmp/imgbench")
julia> generate_special("/tmp/imgbench_special")
The two folder names supplied to the generate_*
functions are just a suggestion, you can store the images wherever you want.
Each suite has a separate README file that describes how to run the benchmarks.
A few oddities have been observed in the Python benchmark timing, but we believe that these have been largely resolved.
Navigate to the top-level directory of this repository, and then launch Julia:
image_benchmarks$ julia --project
julia> include("plotting.jl")
plot_ratio (generic function with 1 method)
julia> taskplots(randomtag, randomlabel, "julia/julia_generics.csv" => "Julia",
"python-skimage/python_generics.csv" => "python-skimage",
"matlab/matlab_generics.csv" => "Matlab",
"opencv/opencv_generics.csv" => "OpenCV",
Figure(PyObject <Figure size 640x480 with 6 Axes>)
julia> df = combine_all("julia/julia_generics.csv" => "Julia",
"python-skimage/python_generics.csv" => "python-skimage",
"matlab/matlab_generics.csv" => "Matlab",
"opencv/opencv_generics.csv" => "OpenCV",
"julia/julia_special.csv" => "Julia",
"python-skimage/python_special.csv" => "python-skimage",
"matlab/matlab_special.csv" => "Matlab"); # makes a DataFrame
julia> plot_ratio(ratio_df(df))
Figure(PyObject <Figure size 750x400 with 1 Axes>)