This Julia package wraps the SARSOP software for offline POMDP planning. It works with the POMDPS.jl interface. A module for writing POMDPX files is provided through the POMDPXFile.jl package, and is a dependency for SARSOP.jl.
For a pure Julia implementation that avoids the pomdpx file bottleneck, see NativeSARSOP.
It is recommended that you have POMDPs.jl installed. To install SARSOP and its Julia wrapper run the following command:
] add SARSOP
using POMDPs
using SARSOP
using POMDPModels
pomdp = TigerPOMDP()
solver = SARSOPSolver()
policy = solve(solver, pomdp)
Detailed documentation can be found here.
The supporting SARSOP_jll
package was created using BinaryBuilder.jl. The build_tarballs.jl
script can be found on Yggdrasil
, the community build tree. To update and build new binaries:
- Modify the JuliaPOMDP fork of SARSOP (
- Fork and update the Yggdrasil
script - Create a pull request on JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil
- Update this README with the correct links
SARSOP.jl uses the APPL library.
APPL is released under GNU GPL v2.0 and uses the following external libraries, which have their own licenses:
- ZMDP Which uses the Apache 2.0 license.
- tinyxml Which uses the zlib license.