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Python package

respond is a small, lightweight wrapper around Flask's make_response and jsonify, providing a fast and convenient way to return JSON, XML or plaintext data with the right HTTP status code and headers.

respond utilizes the RFC HTTP status code descriptions as methods, you simply call a static method such as ok, not_found or internal_server_error against the data type you with to return, optionally passing in a dictionary of headers to set on the response.

Python v3.6 + (100% coverage)

Name                           Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
respond/                4      0   100%
respond/     188      0   100%
respond/          11      0   100%
respond/               7      0   100%
respond/          12      0   100%
respond/           12      0   100%
TOTAL                            234      0   100%


pip install respond


Import the Responder class

from respond import Responder

You can now call one of many staticmethods of the class

Return a 200 OK status code and a list

def example():
    """ Returns a list with an HTTP 200 OK status code """
    return Responder.json.ok([1, 2, 3])

Return a 400 BAD REQUEST status code and a dict

def example():
    """ Returns a dict with an HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST status code """
    return Responder.json.bad_request({"error": {"message": "You did something wrong"}})

Return a 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR status code

def example():
    """ Returns a dict with an HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR status code """
    return Responder.json.internal_server_error({"error": {"message": "We did something wrong"}})

Passing no data to the method returns an empty string

def ok():
    """ Return an empty HTTP 204 NO CONTENT response """
    return Responder.json.no_content()

You can optionally pass in a headers dict if required

def example():
    """ Return a dict with custom headers """
    return Responder.json.ok(data={"message": "ok"}, headers={"X-Custom-Header": "hello!"})

On inspecting the response, we can see our custom header:

Content-Length: 17
Date: Sun, 03 May 2020 16:49:41 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Server: Werkzeug/1.0.1 Python/3.8.2
X-Custom-Header: hello!

The Responder class has methods for all HTTP status codes defined by the ietf -

Common status codes include, 404 NOT FOUND, here being used in a Flask error handler

def handle_not_found_error(e):
    """ Handler for not found errors """
    return Responder.json.not_found(data={"message": "Not found"})

app.register_error_handler(404, handle_not_found_error)


def internal_server_error():
    data: dict = {"error": {"message": "Whoops, we did something wrong"}}
    return Responder.json.internal_server_error(data)

Visiting this URL in the browser returns

{"error": {"message": "Whoops, we did something wrong"}

You may also import individual classes for the specific data types JSON, XML and text using JSONResponse, XMLResponse and TextResponse respectively.

from respond import JSONResponse

def internal_server_error():
    data: dict = {"error": {"message": "Whoops, we did something wrong"}}
    return JSONResponse.internal_server_error(data)


The HTTPResponse abstract base class provides an interface for all of the HTTP status codes and defines a single abstract method called _make_response.

Users can implement their own class by inheriting from HTTPResponse and implementing the _make_response method , accepting 4 parameters status, data, headers and **kwargs.

class HTTPResponse(abc.ABC):
    """ HTTPResponse abstract base class """

    def _make_response(cls, status: int, data: Optional[Any] = None, headers: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

Methods available

100 range (informational)

method HTTP Status code
continue 100
switching_protocol 101
processing 102
early_hints 103

200 range (success)

method HTTP Status code
ok 200
created 201
accepted 202
non_authoritative_information 203
no_content 204
reset_content 205
partial_content 206
multi_status 207
already_reported 208
im_used 226

300 range (redirection)

method HTTP Status code
multiple_choice 300
moved_permanently 301
found 302
see_other 303
not_modified 304
use_proxy 305
unused 306
temporary_redirect 307
permanent_redirect 308

400 range (client error)

method HTTP Status code
bad_request 400
unauthorized 401
payment_required 402
forbidden 403
not_found 404
method_not_allowed 405
not_acceptable 406
proxy_authentication_required 407
request_timeout 408
conflict 409
gone 410
length_required 411
precondition_failed 412
payload_too_large 413
uri_too_long 414
unsupported_media_type 415
requested_range_not_satisfiable 416
expectation_failed 417
im_a_teapot 418
misdirected_request 421
unprocessable_entity 422
locked 423
failed_dependency 424
too_early 425
upgrade_required 426
precondition_required 428
too_many_requests 429
request_header_fields_too_large 431
unavailable_for_legal_reasons 451

500 range (server error)

method HTTP Status code
internal_server_error 500
not_implemented 501
bad_gateway 502
service_unavailable 503
gateway_timeout 504
http_version_not_supported 505
variant_also_negotiates 506
insufficient_storage 507
loop_detected 508
not_extended 510
network_authentication_required 511


A fast, effective & efficient way to return JSON, text and XML in Flask with the correct HTTP status code & headers.








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