Player for .puz files, used for crosswords from newspapers such as the L.A. Times.
At the moment it loads and displays the LA Times from 2014-04-22 by default. Give it a different filename on the command line to load that instead.
When a puzzle is loaded, if there is a game in progress (.ankh) file, then that will be loaded to allow continuation.
When the grid is correctly complete, the time is displayed.
A-Z Fill in letter
Bksp Delete content and move to the previous cell. If the current cell
was already empty then the previous cell will be cleared instead.
Spacebar Swap between across and down
Tab Move to the next word in the same direction
Shift-Tab Move to the previous word in the same direction
F1 Swap help mode on and off, incorrect letters are then highlighted
Escape Exit, saving progress when not complete
Click on a cell to highlight it. Clicking on the currently highlighted cell will swap between highlighting the current across or down word.
Click on a clue to select the word.
When the grid is filled, but there are wrong entries, help mode is turned on automatically.
- Highlight an across word
- Highlight a down word
- Highlight the current cell
- Swap between Across and Down Highlight
- Allow for letter entry
- Highlight the next cell after entering a letter
- Highlight the next word after ending the current one
- Save progress
- Load progress
- Fix .ankh file UTF-8 loading / saving bug
- Add some tests for the loader
- Handle scrambled puzzles
The background Ankh image comes from Icon Archive and was designed by DesgnBolts
Compatible crosswords can be loaded from CrosswordFiend
I have used Git at the command-line for 10 years. Over that time, I have tried many different graphical shells for Git, without finding one that was easier and nicer to use than the command-line (in my view).
I have now found that GitKraken is an excellent Git shell and would advise using it to everyone.
If you have any questions about this repository, or any others of mine, please don't hesitate to contact me.