- Julia Tran
- Patrice Pavico
- Will Frankland
Thera-Match was created to match users and therapists in an easy-to-use and simple manner. The app was brought about so that anyone seeking a therapist in their area could create a profile with basic information and then search for therapists to suit their needs as well as request appointments, message and video-chat and get therapist information and contact details. The website has several functionalities including:
- Seperate user and therapist sign-up and login.
- Seperate user and therapist profile pages with the ability to update profile information.
- A dashboard for users to view, filter and select therapists based upon their needs which features a swipe mechanism influenced by dating app style functionality.
- User-to-therapist messaging.
- User-to-therapist video-chat.
- A blog for articles to be posted in.
- A therapist dashboard with review, messaging and favourited features.
- A calendar which users can select dates and then request appointments upon set dates. The therpaist will recieve a notification and be able to respond to the the user.
- React
- Express
- Node.js
- PostgreSQL
To allow Thera-match to run locally on your computer follow the steps below:
- Open two terminal windows. Navigate the first terminal to the
directory and the second to theclient
directory. - Run
npm i
in both terminals to install dependencies. - Run
npm start
in both terminals. React should open automatically on Chrome at http://localhost:3002/. - If the database needs to be reset for any reason, exit the server terminal by pressing
ctrl/cmd + C
and runnpm run db:reset
. - Accounts can be created on both the user and therapist side to utilize all features of the site.
- Node 10.x or above
- NPM 5.x or above
- PG 6.x
- PostgreSQL 9.x or above
- Bcryptjs
- Body-parser
- Cookie-parser
- Cookie-session
- Cors
- Debug
- Dotenv
- Express
- Morgan
- Nodemon
- Twilio