- 🎓 Information Systems at Federal Institute of São Paulo.
- 🍀 Brazilian, software engineer.👋🏾
- 🏌️♀️ Listening to music, cooking, playing sports, and coding.
- 💻 Always focused on developing my skills!
Java |
JavaScript |
Git |
React.js |
Vue.js |
C# |
- Programming: C#, .NET, Java, Ruby, Node.js
- Front-end: Angular, React, Next.jsa, Astro.js
- Mobile: React Native
- Infra: Docker, Kubernetes, GCP, Grafana
- Databases: PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, Firebase, CosmosDB
- Agile Practices: TDD, CI/CD, Pair Programming, Kanban, Scrum
- Programming: Clojure, ClojureScript, Go
- Topics: Dynamic Programming, Software Architecture, DDD