Wedge is a broker written in Go to support execution of APIs over different formats and transports. The implementation follows a plugin based model where the client-side and server-side plugins can run with different data formats, transport and communicate using a common message structure format. The code is organized into 3 levels:
Codecs: Specify the codec to translate from a custom data to protobuf byte-buffer for gRPC. Currently, JSON to protobuf is implemented. The GenCodec interface in utils/utils.go specifies the methods to be implemented for a codec.
Plugins: Fundamental part of the application and can include codecs if needed. Currently, the gRPC plugin uses a codec. Each plugin implementation needs to implement a ClientSidePlugin and/or ServerSidePlugin interface(s). The ClientSidePlugin interface specifies the functions/methods to be implemented when the plugin will be interfacing with the actual client i.e the plugin will be acting as a server. The ServerSidePlugin interface specifies the functions/methods to be implemented when the plugin will be interfacing with the actual server i.e the plugin will be acting as a client. The plugins can also run user-defined callbacks if customized handling is needed. The client and server side/facing plugins have a common data structure to pass data between them using the MsgFormat struct.
Implementations: Implementations group together a client-side and server-side plugin implementation. WedgeImpl struct implements the Implementation interface to specify the plugins to be run on client and server side, callbacks and so on. The client and server side plugins will be as Go routines.
- Protobuf 3
- protobuf-c 1.2.1
- Go 1.8+
- Configure GOPATH
- librdkafka
- protoc-wedge compiler to generate descriptor files needed for wedge specific to your application.
Wedge Makefile requires GNU make.
Dependencies are managed with gdm, which is installed by the Makefile if you don't have it already including gRPC Go and protobuf.
- Run
go get -d
- Run
cd $GOPATH/src/
- Run
- Run
make install
to copy the wedge binary to /usr/local/bin
./wedge --list-plugins
./wedge --list-callbacks
./wedge --generate --client-side kafka:kafka --server-side grpc:kafka
The Config will be specified in yaml and the plugin list will be separated by a semi-colon
./wedge --run <filename>
The user can specify custom callback functions after the data is read from the transport and before the data is written to the transport without changing the underlying plugin implementaion.
A Post-read callback will be executed when data is read by the plugin and before it is sent to the other side through a channel. The input will be an interface{} specific to the plugin and the output will be MsgFormat struct. A Pre-write callback will be executed when the data is received and before it needs to be sent to the actual client or server. If the callback functions are nil, then the default behavior specific to the plugin implementation will be performed. The plugins are expect to send MsgFormat structs for communication.
The _examples folder has all the avsc, proto descriptor and avro descriptor table JSON files, example clients etc. to try out. Make a directory called "WedgeClient" within $GOPATH/src and copy the file "_examples/clients/WedgeDesc.go" there. The examples cover the following:
Bgp route addition using JSON/Avro as data format on the client side to publish data to a kafka bus. "_examples/yaml_config" has sample yaml configuration files to start the broker and connect to the kafka bus. The broker's server-side plugin will use gRPC to communicate with a Juniper router and add routes using BGP JET APIs.
Fetch OpenConfig telemetry data from Juniper routers and use custom callback functions to convert the data and publish it to a kafka bus. The following format conversions are performed:
a. Influx line protocol format and published to topic "telegraf" which can be processed and added to InfluxDB using telegraf
b. Fluentd compatible key-value pair data that can be consumed using fluent-plugin-kafka
c. JSON data representation of OpenConfig telemetry key-value pairs.
- Add a new file for the plugin within "plugins" directory.
- Implement the methods in "ClientSidePlugin" and/or "ServerSidePlugin" interface(s).
- Implement a function to emit reference yaml configuration for the plugin like kafkaEmitRefConfig().
- Implement a plugin init function like KafkaInit() and register it with the plugin map using PluginInit().
- Implement the callback function in implementations/callbacks.go.
- A post-read callback function will take an interface{} as input that would be specific to the plugin/data format and return an object of struct MsgFormat.
- A pre-write callback function will take an object of struct MsgFormat as as input and returns an interface{} specific to the plugin/data format like JSONPostReadCB().