Hi 👋 My name is Justyna Jackiewicz.
I am a junior software tester with a passion for software testing and design. I was fashion designer for over 7 years, but I felt the need to change my career path and have become interested in software testing.
As an ambitious person with strong interpersonal skills and empathy, I can see the bigger picture and function well within a team. I also enjoy testing both myself and various solutions, and I am good at trying out new things and finding creative solutions.
I would describe myself as responsible, supportive, and highly creative. As a fashion designer, I was in charge of several apparel designs at a time, which required me to be attentive and well-organized.
My goal is to develop my testing knowledge and technical skills, and I am currently have started learning automated testing.
In this portfolio, I would like to share my testing knowledge and exhibit my technical skills, which I have gained through completing testing courses and self-learning.
📫 E-mail justyna.jackiewicz@live.com
Maraton HTML+CSS by Goit
Maraton QA dla początkujących (GoIT)
Szkolenie SQL w 120 min (kursysql.pl)
Wstęp do Testów Automatycznych - Testy Automatyczne + Python (Dare IT)
Zostań Testerem Manualnym (Dare IT)
Podstawy manualnego testowania oprogramowania (Udemy)
Postman od podstaw - testowanie REST API (Udemy)
Jira - bug tracker
TestRail - test cases management
Chrome DevTools - for testing and to improve bug reports
Xampp - relational database management system
Postman- testing tool for REST API
Awesome screenshots - screenshot and Screen Recorder
Bug Magnet - exploratory testing assistant for Chrome and Firefox
Robot framework
Software testing
Creating test cases
Reporting bugs
Automated testing
Creating diagrams and decision tables
Creative thinking
Teamwork skills
Empathetic listening
Positive attitude
Growth mediset
Sprawdź, czy testowanie jest dla Ciebie. Bezpłatna lekcja próbna
Niezbędnik początkującego testera oprogramowania. Bezpłatna lekcja próbna
Dzień z życia zespołu scrumowego. Czyli jak pracuje się w zwinnym środowisku?
Dare IT Community
Tester oprogramowania - wsparcie na starcie
Testowanie oprogramowania - jak nim zostać?
Tester oprogramowania - PRACA, Ogłoszenia
🔳 Test cases
- Test cases for site Scout made during portfolio challenge mentoring by DareIT
LINK to test cases 1 ; LINK to test cases 2
- Test cases for mobile application pick.eat.up made during portfolio challenge mentoring by DareIT
- Test cases for site Go IT Testowanie HTML made in Testrail during QA Maraton conducted by Goit
🔳 Bugs
- Bugs on site Scout made during portfolio challenge mentoring by DareIT
LINK to bugs ; LINK to bugs report
- Bugs on mobile app olx
- Bug on Go IT Testowanie HTML site made in Jira during QA Maraton conducted by Goit
🔳 Automated tests
- Automated tests - tasks made during portfolio challenge mentoring by DareIT for Scouts-side
- Robot framework - tasks made during portfolio challenge mentoring by DareIT
- SQL - tasks made during portfolio challenge mentoring by DareIT
- HTML/CSS - link to CV;tasks made during Maraton HTML+CSS by Goit