Bash script for autodownloading of different linux distros, bsd distros or other OSes useful for diagnostics etc.
- Basic stuff:
(these tools usually are preinstalled on linux) - Additional depencency:
- Install all deps on Arch-based distro:
sudo pacman -S html2text
- Some systems are shared as archive so you'll need
Arch-based: DEB-based: RPM-based: BSD: Other: Not linux:
0 = archlinux 2 = debian 12 = fedora 14 = freebsd 17 = memtest64bit 20 = freedos
1 = endeavour 3 = debian_testing 13 = nobara 15 = netbsd 18 = memtest32bit
4 = ubuntu 16 = openbsd 19 = antiviruslive
5 = kubuntu
6 = xubuntu
7 = linuxmint
8 = popos
9 = kali
10 = parrot
11 = tails
git clone
cd iso-downloader
Then you have couple of options:
- download one ISO (e.g. type 0 for archlinux)*
- download several ISOs - space separated (e.g. for getting both Arch and Endeavour, type '0 1' (without quotes))*
- 'all' option, the script will download ALL of the ISOs (warning: this can take a lot of space as well as several hours to download everything!)
- 'filesize' option will check the local (downloaded) filesizes of ISOs vs. the current/recent ISOs filesizes on the websites
- 'netbootxyz' option allows you to boot from via network
- is in the main script
- contains all URL/mirror/HTTP scraping stuff
- Written by SecurityXIII
- Modified by K0SS4
- Project began in August 2020 - but since then improved several times
- Kopimi un-license as well as MIT