Next to being a palindrome, TikZKit is a graphical what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editor for PGF/TikZ. PGF/TikZ in turn is a markup package that allows to create most beautiful pictures in LaTeX. The core features of TikZKit are:
- Exact rendering as if you had generated the picture through LaTeX.
- TikZ export, obtaining TikZ code that can easily be manipulated.
Please join tikzkit development to quickly get to a usable state.
TikZKit is written in modern C++ and Qt5. It is organized in two libraries following the model/view concept, and the application:
- tikzcore: This library provides the data model. The model entirely defines a TikZ picture. The model itself is represented by the class tikz::core::Document.
- tikzui: This library provides the view. It renders the scene by using the QGraphicsView based on a tikz::core::Document.
- TikZKit: The application is a thin wrapper around the libraries tikzcore and tikzui.
tikz::core::Document (priority: high)
- makro support: implement Entity::toJsonObject() in all Entity classes. This way, Entities can by serialized to JSON, and by replaying the JSON makro, items can be e.g. copy & pasted, or template can be created.
- add tikz::core::Layer: These layers match pgf layers when exported to PGF/TikZ, e.g. background, nodes, edges, foreground
- add tikz::core::Scope: These scopes match \begin{scope} ... \end{scope} in PGF/TikZ. These scopes can be used to group items that share a style.
Add tikz::core::AbstractProperty
- implement set of required property types (ColorProperty, ValueProperty, TextProperty, BoolProperty, StringListProperty, DoubleProperty, PosisionProperty)
- allow adding / removing properties at runtime, so that the property system is extensible e.g. through plugins
MetaPos: x und y so trennen, dass es von unterschiedlichen Positions/Anchors kommt.
TexGenerator verbessern (mehrere jobs parallel, saubere kapselung, QTemporaryDir)
class Package? -> tikz package + tikz options
introduce tikz::Editor: add EntityFactoryInterface similar to KTE::CommandInterface, add class EntityFactory that returns a list of QStrings ("node-rectangle", ... ?
implement pseudo-plugin that uses the EntityFactory
tikz::core::Path (priority: high)
- add support for rectangle primitive
- add support for grid primitive
- add support for simple edges (straight, bending, bezier)
- add support for polygonal lines and shapes
tikz::core::Node (priority: medium)
- support anchors above, left, below, right and combinations
- support anchoring on other anchors
visitors (priority: high)
- fix TikZ export Visitor
- (load visitor, currently unused)
- (save visitor, currently unused)
property editor:
- show properties of the selected item
- use Transaction to group properties
- add default/reset button
- add support for categories and coloring of categories
LaTeX to SVG generator
- proper design of the class with cleanup of the metadata (use QTemporaryDir)
- proper diagnostics, if the dvisvg
- add more shapes
- add more arrows
zoom control: Add widget to display current zoom level
- TikZKit
- add icons to actions
integration test (priority: medium)
- implement testing suite:
- tests are listed in a list view on the left
- ability to add a new test
- test
- user graphically creates scene: add/manipulate nodes/edges
- baseline
- save the scene as TeX/TikZ code and convert to pdf
- use libpoppler-qt4 to render the pdf from the TeX/TikZ code
- save pdf as png
- render TikzScene to png
- use pdiff to check the graphical diff
- fail test only on user specified threshold