Hello, I am Khusniddin, a full-stack developer. I love learning new languages and implementing them in various projects. Currently, I am engrossed in Full-stack development and hoping to learn a lot more!
- 🔭 I'm a full-stack developer with the knowledge of using Javascript, React, Redux, and Rails gained from Microverse which is a remote software development school that uses real-world projects to teach web development through pair programming.
- 🎓 I did my Master's degree in Corporate Finance at Golden Gate University in San Francisco, California.
- 🎓 I got my Bachelor's degree in Banking and Finance from Bangor University in Wales, UK.
- 💻 I’m currently working on side projects.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on new projects.
- ♥ I'm in love with everything that has a relation to IT and Finance.
- 😄 Pronouns: "he", "his".
- ⚡ Fun fact: I switched my career from finance to software development. I used to train in mental sports.
- 🧠 I participated in the World Memory Championships and TV shows several times and achieved the title of International Master of Memory.
- 💬 Talk to me about Problem-solving, JavaScript, Freelancing opportunities and Memory techniques.
- 📫 How to reach me: via husniddin.ismoilov@gmail.com.
- 🖌 My portfolio is here.