Blog application template
It is deployed on Heroku:
It contains following features:
- Rails and Ruby versions:
- rails 6.1.4
- ruby 3.0.2
- Database:
- postgresql in production
- sqlite3 in development and test
- relational (admin, bloggers, categories, articles)
- seed by gem faker
- Authentication:
- from scratch with bcrypt
- Authorization:
- from scratch
- Payment and premium content:
- Stripe checkout, billing portal and webhooks
- Styling:
- bootstrap 4 classes
- with own custom css
- pagination (will_paginate)
- gravatar for bloggers
- erb, ejs and haml views
- Code quality:
- rubocop-rails
- Testing:
- rails 6 assertions
- model tests
- controller tests
- examples for system and integration tests
- byebug