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HLOC - Hierarchical Localization Script

The scripts is taken and modified from Hierarchical Localization's Demo script Open In Colab


  • HLOC_KOE.ipynb - Localization KoE environment using indoor (InLoc) datasets. Using SuperPoint and SuperGlue. badge
  • HLOC_KOE_codespace.ipynb - Same as above, but it is runnable on GitHub codespace. To get started, read the section below. Open in GitHub Codespaces
  • HLOC_KOE_DATA.ipynb - Slightly modified code than above to enable matrix testing. badge

Get started

(Tested in GitHub Codespaces)


sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libsm6 libxext6 ffmpeg libfontconfig1 libxrender1 libgl1-mesa-glx

[Source] If failed, just try again. Then, run:

pip install ipywidgets widgetsnbextension pandas-profiling

And add the code block with contents.

!jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension

Then, you can run the notebook.