LESSlint is a linter for LESS files.
It is intended to check the code quality and compliance with standards.
PHP 5.4+
lesslint [RULES] [PATHS ...]
is the path to the JSON rules file;PATHS ...
is a list of one or more LESS files and folders to check;--exclude
takes file names to exclude separated by commas:--exclude=lesshat.less,lib.less
recursively browse through the folders to find LESS files.
Sample syntax: lesslint rules.json /path/to/less/folder/ /path/to/file.less
- IndentWithTabs: use tabs to indent the code, not spaces;
- OneSpaceBeforeBracket: one space before a bracket:
.stuff {
; - WrongIndent: check if each line is properly intended regarding to the code depth;
- ClosingBracketOnItsOwnLine: closing bracket must be on its own line;
- ValidCssProperty : check for non-existing CSS properties (supports CSS3 and vendor prefixes);
- OnePropertyPerLine: max one property per line;
- ColonSpacing: no space before a colon; one after;
- NotImportant: do not use
; - OverQualifiedSelector: do not overqualify the selectors.
; - DoNotStyleIds: do not apply a style to IDs (#), use classes;
- OpeningBracketInline: opening bracket should be inline, not on its own line.
Rules file contains the list of rules to be enforced as keys; their parameter a values or true
if the rule does not support extra parameters:
"IndentWithTabs": true,
"NotImportant": true,
"OneSpaceBeforeBracket": true,
"WrongIndent": true,
"ClosingBracketOnItsOwnLine": true,
"ValidCssProperty": true,
"OnePropertyPerLine": true,
"ColonSpacing": true,
"OverQualifiedSelector": true,
"NoUnitToZero": true,
"OpeningBracketInline": true