This is a simple solution to the famous "2 Sum" problem. If you like feel free to download and tinker with the XCode Playground file from my Github repository link
I would be perodically keep solving as many questions as I could, to keep everyday interesting. I miss school days.
Runtime: 36 ms, faster than 73.77% of Swift online submissions for Two Sum. Memory Usage: 14.4 MB, less than 39.16% of Swift online submissions for Two Sum. Big-O Time Complexity: O(n)
Feel free to comment and/or improve. I would like to learn and improve alongside my peers : )
func twoSum(_ nums: [Int], _ target: Int) -> [Int] {
guard nums.count > 1 else { return [-1, -1] }
var directory = [Int: Int]()
for num in nums.enumerated() {
let counter = target - num.element
if let otherIndex = directory[counter] {
return [min(num.offset, otherIndex), max(num.offset, otherIndex)]
} else {
directory[num.element] = num.offset
return [-1, -1]
Code in a nutshell:
- guard checks if there are atleast two numbers in the array input, if not eary termination with placeholder result of invalid indices [-1,-1]
- Initalize a local directory to store indices corresponding for discovered values in array input (key: number, value: index)
- Uses swift for-in loop, with nums.enumerated(),which gets captured in num variable as an (element, offset) tuple
- counter value is determined subtracting current element value from the target value provided to the function
- directory is queried for key value : counter 5a.If the value exists (not nil) it is captured in otherIndex variable and returned in as a pair*. The function terminates here 5b. If the value didnt exist (nil value) simply store it for the future usage
- Finally if the list is exhausted - meaning no pair was found - return [-1, -1] as a placeholder
Ideally one would return a nil or Result type instead of placeholder value if there was an error. But this is just an easy code challange :p
If you like - come to my page for more fun learning. I love to learn while sharing, so feel free to ask.