- 🔭 I’m currently working on Exploits, Deep Learning implementations on Embeded Security
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Languages
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Vulnerabilities
- I’m open to suggestions
- As we all know that under engineering, technical skills always provide unique gratitude and passion for any technical guy.
- So these technical skills of the engineer always help him, in the same way at all the time, Just as Emperors who tries to win a war from his enemies using the weapons and strategies in a war-fare.
- I am also an engineer, so I too should have such weapons and methods, so I have some technical skills too, which are the following.
I am still in learning state and learning many tools and technologies |
I love connecting with different people from around the world, so if you want to be my friend, feel free to reach out and introduce yourself (don’t just say hi, tell me about yourself") 😊 💜