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Summon System

Pheonix KageDesu edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 11 revisions

⚠️ Available since Build 1076

Demo Project: Summon Demo


Summoned monster this is a enemy that has teamId:0 by default, and some special ABS parameters.
Summoned monster will spawn from spawn map and follow the player
For call Summon monster, uses State with special parameter summon. Until state on player, monster with him
When you change map, the summon state (with monster) disappears

How setup in project

1. Create Summon Monster

Create support skill for summoning monster

  • Support skill is optional

⚠️ Use Scope 1 Ally and Occasion 'Battle Screen`

⚠️ Use ABS parameter <range:3> (or more range, 3 - minimum)

You can add any Effects and any Damage Type.
For this example, i create Healing skill and name it "HealForPet"

Create new ABS enemy in Database

Set support skill for enemy, use <supportSkillId:X>, where X - skill ID
Set looting parameter, <canLooting:X>, where X - 1 - can looting dead corpses, 0 - not

Summon monster settings from Demo Project (for example):

Setup Condition for support skill

Add support skill to enemy Action Patterns and set condition for using this skill

⚠️ You can setup any conditions, but this is relative for player, not for summon monster himself!

⚠️ Summon monster can't use skill from on himself

Create Summon Monster on Spawn Map

See Enemy Spawning

2. Create Summon State

⚠️ State summons monster, if you add ABS parameter <summon:X>, where X - EVENT ID on spawn map with summon monster

⚠️ Monster be with player while state on player
Recommended use Auto-removal Timing - Turn End and Duration in Turns for setup time (in seconds)

You can add this ABS parameters to summon state Note:
<summonStartAnimId:X> - animation, when summon monster appeared, ID - id from database
<summonEndAnimId:X> - animation, when summon monster is disappeared

Create Summon Skill for player

For example: <ABS:0> that just add Summon state

⚠️ Skill must be Scope - The user

Addition parameters for summon monster

<sBattleMode:X> - standard battle mode (applied always when summon monster called)

0 - attack all
1 - attack only Player target
2 - protect player (attack only enemy, who attack player)

<sChangeModeAllowed:Z> - can Player change battle mode in game? 0 - no, 1 - yes. Default - 1 (yes)

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