This is a solution to the Web Developer Portfolio on Codewell challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
The task was to recreate the portfolio website.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Flexbox
Though there are certain syntax and styling attributes that i'm knowledgable of, i dont't get to use them often. Some of those many syntax i got to implement includes;
#mobile {
display: none;
#about {
column-count: 2;
column-gap: 50px;
The first one helps in hiding the element from the viewport (screen). The second one helps in spliting a long body of text into two columns.
Going forward i'll focus more on:
- How best to use and apply relative values.
- Good and efficient ways of creating responsive layouts.
- W3schools - This served as a refresher for me when i needed a quick reminder of a certain syntax that skipped my mind or new styles that the project needed that i didn't know the correct syntax for.
- - This is an amazing site that contains roadmaps for different software developer tracks (e.g Frontend, Backend, React, Devops, etc.). It also contains links to resources.