I'm a full stack software engineer based in Boston, I have a passion for community advocacy. I aspire to use my skills to aid budding commmunity organizations and empower others to do the same. I'm still tinkering with ideas on how to do this sustainably.
My long term goals are to become a strong advocate for change, grow into a dependable elder, and make the ancestors proud.
Fluent: HTML & CSS | JavaScript ES6 | Typescript | React.js | Express | Node.js | Tailwind CSS | Next.js | React-Native
Familiar: C# | SQL | Android Development
Tools and Libraries: MongoDB | Postman and Insomnia | AWS | Netlify | Material UI | Figma
- Learning Firebase 🔥
- Exploring accessibility in web design
- Honing my dev ops and cloud service skills 🧑🏭