I'm Hasib, a Senior Front-End Engineer based in Khulna, Bangladesh. With over 6+ years of experience, I have also served as a team lead, demonstrating my ability to lead and manage teams effectively. I specialize in creating user-friendly and responsive web applications, utilizing my expertise in various programming languages and frameworks such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, and Node.js.
- JavaScript/TypeScript
- C/C++
- HTML5, CSS3 (SASS/SCSS), ReactJS,VueJs, NextJS, ReduxJS/ReduxToolkit, ReactQuery, React Router Dom, Tailwindcss
- Styled Components & Emotion, MUI, Reactstrap, and various other component libraries
- i18next, react-i18next, Google Translator
- Mocha, React Testing Library
- NodeJS (ExpressJS)
- Laravel
- MongoDB (Mongoose)
- Docker, Vercel
- Webpack
- Git, Slack, Trello, Jira, Microsoft Teams
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