I am a freshman of the Yanshan University(YSU) located in Hebei, China. Majoring in Computer Science and Technology, I am very interested in the manners of how computers run in an absolutely exciting way, for which I am always eager to learn more. At this time, I have a good command of the knowledge that is listed below. In order to improve my bad mental behavior, contacting me at any suitable time is welcomed. Looking forward to talk&meet with you.
P.S. If the text above looks like something confused, that is caused by my poor English, which has been always troubling me and my teacher.
Well, I must say, the experience of being a senior high school student under graduation is not very comforting. Because as it is known in China, being a student in Hebei is very unluckly, as the high school class will cost most of your time, resulting more less time you can spend on other things such as learning Computer knowledges than others privinces. Having such experience and such majoring subject, I will be more determined to learn the things that I am interested. So please stay watching.😊
Programing languages I can use are listed below:
- Python3
- Java
- C++ (read only)
Well, let me wait, I am sure I will learn them after one day...
Well, my trusted contact metheds are listed below:
- Email o0x80t@outlook.com
Notice: As I haven't got my CanoKey or some thing like it, I have no PGP sign.
That is all, thank you for watching.