Rent Listings Notifier is a robot set up to be executed daily that goes to Craigslist Website, get a list of rentals listings according to pre-configured filters, saves the result in a DynamoDB table, compares the current day's listings the previous day's one and then sends an email with all available listings, what got added and what got removed. This code accept the following filters: distance (Km) from Postal Code, Postal Code, Min. and Max of Price and Min. FT2. It was built using AWS Lambda NodeJS, DynamoDB, SNS (Simple Notification Service from AWS) and Cloudwatch events.
- aws-sdk - ^2.422.0
- axios - ^0.18.0
- cheerio - 1.0.0-rc.2
- dynamodb-data-types - ^3.0.1
Clone the project and create your own git repo.
Set up the AWS CLI .
Open the project into Terminal.
npm install
serverless deploy
To change the filters passed in the function, open the file serverless.yml and alter the values of the object "filters".
Input: '{"filters": {
"postalCode": "v6b1s3",
"kmFromPostalCode": "3",
"minPrice": "1400",
"maxPrice": "1850",
"minSqft": "550"
To change the time the function will be executed, open the file serverless.yml and alter the value of "ScheduleExpression". More details on how to schedule CloudWatch events are available in
In the same file serverless.yml it is possible to change the Timezone, you have to change the value of the variable "timezone" on line 9 (