This project is a web application for Noris Clinicals Pvt Ltd. Earlier the system was followed by a manual processing system using paper work. Through the developed computerized Hospital Management System,both the patients and the hospital staff can be eased to manage and run all the operations in the Hospital efficiently. In order to make the system more productive, the system has been divided into 8 main functionsto implement a complete system,Inventory Management System, Billing & Invoicing System, Patient Medical Records Management System, User Registration & Login Management System,Communicating System, Minor Staff Management System, Appointment Scheduling System, Payroll Management Systemand generating relevant reports are done with the help of the developed system. All the database records are maintained in a secure way. Human errors can be avoided by using developed system in many different ways such as calculating salary and other sensitive details. As this system is a web-based application the users can be able to access the system anywhere at any time through the internet. The system was developedusing React Js, Express Js, Node Js, MongoDB Database, in order to provide an efficient product.
- Backend: Node Js, Express Js
- Frontend: React Js
- Database: MongoDB
- Clone the repository.
- Set up our database and update the connection details in project.
- Import the project into Visual Studio Code.
- Run the application on our local server.
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