For our last year of engineering school, our master thesis project focused on a computer vision field called Real-time object detection. Following this field, our project explores the realm of augmented reality, aiming to transform static drawings on paper into interactive and dynamic experiences. By leveraging innovative technologies such as deep learning and real-time object detection with YOLO, we choose to build our model using Google Creative Lab's QuickDraw dataset to train a robust drawings detection model.
The final goal is to create an augmented reality system that detects drawings in real-time and enhances the environment with corresponding 3D models. This initiative seeks to turn a simple sketch into a lively and interactive cityscape when viewed through a smartphone, blending artificial intelligence, object detection, and augmented reality.
This blog post will detail our approach to building such an AI, including the techniques we have chosen to integrate it with Unity, ultimately creating an augmented reality app for mobile.