- clone this repository to your Documents\OpenScad\libraries folder
change the path in the first line of the file FisherPart.scad
the brick module is defined like:
include <Fisher\FisherPart.scad>
brick( height = 15, width = 15, depth = 15,
leftAxes_Vertical = [], leftAxes_Horizontal =[],
rightAxes_Vertical = [], rightAxes_Horizontal =[],
bottomAxesFB = [], topAxesFB =[],
bottomAxesLR = [], topAxesLR =[],
frontAxes_Vertical = [], frontAxes_Horizontal =[],
backAxes_Vertical = [], backAxes_Horizontal =[],
squareHoles = false,
triangleAxes = false);
when called without parameters, like
include <Fisher\FisherPart.scad>
it will provide a default brick (size 15mm * 15mm * 15mm)
the module brick() privides parameters to provide mounting holes on all sides of the brick. Each parameter contains a set of mount holes relative to the center of the face is will be on, i.e. [0] will create a mount hole in the center of the face. All members of a set will be multiplied by 7.5 mm.
for example
brick( height =15,
width =30,
depth =15,
leftAxes_Vertical =[],
leftAxes_Horizontal =[],
rightAxes_Vertical =[],
rightAxes_Horizontal =[],
bottomAxesFB =[],
topAxesFB =[],
bottomAxesLR =[],
topAxesLR =[],
frontAxes_Vertical =[0, 1], // create two vertical mountholes
// (one in the center and one on 7.5mm)
frontAxes_Horizontal =[],
backAxes_Vertical =[],
backAxes_Horizontal =[],
squareHoles =false,
triangleAxes =false
// or just:
brick( height =15,
width =30,
depth =15,
frontAxes_Vertical =[0, 1] // create two vertical mountholes
// (one in the center and one on 7.5mm)
// or even:
brick( width =30,
frontAxes_Vertical =[0, 1] // create two vertical mountholes
// (one in the center and one on 7.5mm)
default bricks are defined in a number of modules in the include file FisherBrick.scad.
include <Fisher\FisherBrick.scad>
and finaly, my main reason to start 3D-printing anyway. I wanted to create my own gliders for linear motion. The 6mm holes in the gliders are meant for a brass tube, that will smoothly glide over a silversteel as.
// gliders:
include <Fisher\FisherBrick.scad>
//brick_1_4_g(height=15, gliderAsDiameter=6);
brick_1_6_g(height=15, gliderAsDiameter=6);
//brick_1_8_g(height=15, gliderAsDiameter=6);
and can be used as
translate([ 0, 0, 0]) pin_s_9_5();
translate([10, 0, 0]) pin_s_15();
translate([ 0, 20, 0]) pin_r_9_5();
translate([10, 20, 0]) pin_r_15();
translate([ 0, 40, 0]) pin_h_9_5();
translate([10, 40, 0]) pin_h_15();
include <Fisher\FisherPart.scad>
for(r = [15: 15: 210]) {
translate([0, r-15, 0])
translate([0, -r, 0])
batten(pyth(r, r));