An Emacs library that extends the functionality of the ivy and counsel packages by providing extra utilities and commands.
Name | Version |
Emacs | 28.1 |
ivy | 0.14.0 |
counsel | 0.14.0 |
The package requires Emacs
28.1 or later, as well as the ivy
and counsel
packages (version 0.14.0 or later).
(use-package counsel-extra
:straight (:repo "KarimAziev/counsel-extra"
:type git
:host github)
:hook ((ivy-mode . counsel-extra-add-extra-actions)
(counsel-mode . counsel-extra-configure-find-file))
:bind ((:map counsel-extra-M-x-keymap
("C-c o" . counsel-extra-M-X-find-symbol-in-other-window-cmd))
(:map counsel-extra-bookmark-map
("C-c o" . counsel-extra-bookmark-in-other-window))))
Full example of configuration
(use-package counsel-extra
:after counsel
:demand t
:straight (:repo "KarimAziev/counsel-extra"
:type git
:host github)
:bind (("C-x C-c" . counsel-extra-color-menu)
(:map counsel-extra-M-x-keymap
("C-c o" . counsel-extra-M-X-find-symbol-in-other-window-cmd))
(:map counsel-extra-bookmark-map
("C-c o" . counsel-extra-bookmark-in-other-window))
(:map ivy-minibuffer-map
:package ivy
("C-c TAB" . counsel-extra-ivy-insert)
("C-SPC" . counsel-extra-ivy-mark)
("M-w" . counsel-extra-ivy-copy)
("C-c g g" . counsel-extra-ivy-browse-url))
(:map ivy-switch-buffer-map
:package ivy
("C-c TAB" . counsel-extra-ivy-insert)
("C-c o" . counsel-extra-switch-to-buffer-other-window))
(:map counsel-mode-map
:package counsel
("C-c g s" . counsel-extra-search)
("C-x P" . counsel-extra-list-processes)
([remap execute-extended-command] . counsel-extra-M-x))
(:map counsel-find-file-map
:package counsel
("C-j" . counsel-extra-expand-dir-maybe)
("RET" . counsel-extra-expand-dir-done)
("M-D" . counsel-extra-delete-file)
("C-c M-w" . counsel-extra-copy-file)
("C-c M-r" . counsel-extra-move-file)
("C-c o" . counsel-extra-open-file-other-window)
("C-x d" . counsel-extra-dired))
(:map counsel-imenu-map
:package counsel
("C-c TAB" . counsel-extra-imenu-insert-cmd)
("C-c o" . counsel-extra-imenu-jump-to-item-in-other-window))
(:map counsel-describe-map
:package counsel
("C-c o" . counsel-extra-find-symbol-in-other-window)))
(setq-default counsel-extra-align-M-x-description 50
counsel-extra-show-modified-time t)
(when (fboundp 'counsel-extra-add-extra-actions)
(when (fboundp 'counsel-extra-configure-find-file)
Download the source code and put it wherever you like, e.g. into ~/.emacs.d/counsel-extra/
git clone ~/.emacs.d/counsel-extra/
Add the downloaded directory to the load path:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/counsel-extra/")
(require 'counsel-extra)
These commands are expected to be bound in the counsel-mode-map
Show example
(require 'counsel)
(require 'counsel-extra)
(define-key counsel-mode-map (kbd "C-x P") 'counsel-extra-list-processes)
(define-key counsel-mode-map (vector 'remap 'execute-extended-command) 'counsel-extra-M-x)
(define-key counsel-mode-map (kbd "C-x c c") 'counsel-extra-colors-emacs)
- Extra version ofexecute-extended-command
- Offer completion forprocess-list
. The default action is to switch to the process buffer. An extra action allows to delete the selected process.counsel-extra-colors-emacs
- Show a list of all supported colors for a particular frame. Unlike `counsel-colors-emacs’ it is allows to define extra commands in it’s keymap - `counsel-extra-emacs-colors-map’.
These commands are expected to be bound in the counsel-find-file-map
Show example
;; use-package example
(use-package counsel-extra
:straight (:repo "KarimAziev/counsel-extra"
:type git
:host github)
:bind ((:map counsel-find-file-map
:package counsel
("C-j" . counsel-extra-expand-dir-maybe)
("RET" . counsel-extra-expand-dir-done)
("M-D" . counsel-extra-delete-file)
("C-c M-w" . counsel-extra-copy-file)
("C-c M-r" . counsel-extra-move-file)
("C-c o" . counsel-extra-open-file-other-window)
("C-x d" . counsel-extra-dired))))
;; or without use-package
(define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "C-j") 'counsel-extra-expand-dir-maybe)
(define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "RET") 'counsel-extra-expand-dir-done)
(define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "M-D") 'counsel-extra-delete-file)
(define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "C-c M-w") 'counsel-extra-copy-file)
(define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "C-c M-m") 'counsel-extra-move-file)
(define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "C-c o") 'counsel-extra-open-file-other-window)
(define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "C-x d") 'counsel-extra-dired)
M-x counsel-extra-open-file-other-window
- Quit the minibuffer and callfind-file-other-window
action.M-x counsel-extra-move-file
- Quit the minibuffer and callcounsel-find-file-move
action.M-x counsel-extra-delete-file
- Quit the minibuffer and callcounsel-find-file-delete
action.M-x counsel-extra-copy-file
- Quit the minibuffer and callcounsel-find-file-copy
action.M-x counsel-extra-dired
- Open file in Dired.M-x counsel-extra-expand-dir-done
- Visit or preview currently selected directory or file. If it is a valid directory, visit it and stay in minibuffer, otervise
execute default ivy action and exit minibuffer.
M-x counsel-extra-expand-dir-maybe
- Visit or preview currently selected directory or file and stay in minibuffer. If it is not a valid directory, preview the file.
These commands are expected to be bound in the counsel-imenu-map
Show example
(define-key counsel-imenu-map (kbd "C-c o") 'counsel-extra-imenu-jump-to-item-in-other-window)
(define-key counsel-imenu-map (kbd "C-c TAB") 'counsel-extra-imenu-insert-cmd)
M-x counsel-extra-imenu-insert-cmd
- Quit the minibuffer and insert imenu item.M-x counsel-extra-imenu-jump-to-item-in-other-window
- Jump to imenu item in other window
This command is supposed to be bound to counsel-describe-map
Show example
(define-key counsel-describe-map (kbd "C-c o") 'counsel-extra-find-symbol-in-other-window)
M-x counsel-extra-find-symbol-in-other-window
- find symbol in other window and exit minibuffer.
M-x counsel-extra-bookmark
- Forward tobookmark-jump
if the bookmark doesn’t exist.M-x counsel-extra-bookmark-in-other-window
- Open bookmark in another window.
These commands are expected to be bound in the ivy-minibuffer-map
Show example
(define-key ivy-minibuffer-map (kbd "C-c C-p") 'counsel-extra-pp-ivy)
(define-key ivy-minibuffer-map (kbd "C-c C-i") 'counsel-extra-ivy-insert)
(define-key ivy-minibuffer-map (kbd "C-SPC") 'counsel-extra-ivy-mark)
(define-key ivy-minibuffer-map (kbd "C-c g g") 'counsel-extra-ivy-browse-url)
(define-key ivy-minibuffer-map (kbd "M-w") 'counsel-extra-ivy-copy)
Whether to align command descriptions. If nil, don’t align, if integer align to those column.
Command filtering predicates for counsel-extra-M-x
command, that can be switched dynamically with M-X
Whether to show file modified time in human readable format when reading filename.
Whether to align modified time when reading filename. This option has effect only if counsel-extra-show-modified-time
is enabled.