A tool to get email addresses from starred list of repositories on GitHub.
Translate from github-email-explorer
Notice: The code is base on Nodejs v6.0.0 or later.
npm install -g node-github-email-explorer
Your Github Setting -> OAuth applications -> Developer applications -> Register a new application
The Client ID and Secret is for config below.
vi config.json
type content below:
"client_id": "<Github Client ID>",
"client_secret": "<Github Client Secret>"
Usage: ge-explore [options] <Github Repo URL>
ge-explore [options] <config> <Github Repo URL>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --star explore who star the repo. default option.
-f, --fork explore who fork the repo
-S, --status Github API status
example 1 (require local config.json and explore stargazer is Default):
ge-explore https://github.com/Karolass/node-github-email-explorer
example 2:
ge-explore custom_config.json https://github.com/Karolass/node-github-email-explorer
example 3 (get stargazers, forks and API status):
ge-explore https://github.com/OfficeDev/O365-iOS-Snippets -sfS