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The primary goal of this readMe is to :

  • Describe configuration & infrastructure build out and testing of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) HTTP Load Balancer using Hashicorp Terraform, an open source "Infrastructure As Code" (IaC) tool.

  • Provide a high-level overview of Terraform and highlight a number of key elements of Hashicorp's Configuration Language (HCL) used in the configuring resources for deploying HTTP Load Balancer.

Google Cloud (GCP) load balancing is implemented at the edge of GCP network, offering load balancing to distribute incoming network traffic across multiple virtual machines (VM) instances. This allows for your network traffic to be distributed & load balanced across single or multiple regions close to your users.

Some of the features offered by GCP Load Balancing are :

  • Automatic intelligent autoscaling of your backends based on CPU utilization, load capacity & monitoring metrics.
  • Traffic routing to the closest virtual instance.
  • Global load balancing for when your applications are available across the world.
  • High availability & redundancy which means that if a component(e.g virtual instance) fails, it is automatically restarted or replaced.

Prerequisites / Setup

This article will assume that you have some familiarity with cloud computing infrastructure & resources, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Terraform. In order to set up your environment & create components you will need a Google account , have access to Google Cloud Console and rights within that account to create and administer projects via Google Console.


Setup needed within GCP :

  1. Create project
  2. Create Service Account & associated key to allow Terraform to access GCP Project. We will only grant the Service Account minimum permission required for this effort.
  3. Create a storage bucket to store infrastructure state via Terraform.
  4. Add public SSH key to GCP so that Terraform can connect to GCP via remote SSH with a private key.

Create Project

Log into your google account and use URL below to create project. For this effort we can name the project "http-loadbalancer".

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Service Account

Before we start creating infrastructure resources via Terraform we need to create a Service Account via Google Console. Service Accounts can be used by applications(e.g Terraform) to make authorized API calls to create infrastructure resources. Service Accounts are not user accounts and it does not have passwords associated with them. Service Accounts are associated with private/public RSA key-pairs that are used for authentication to Google. Select your project, Click IAM & Admin menu, Service Accounts option and then click + Create Service Account button.

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Enter a name and description for the Service Account and click the CREATE button.

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Give the newly created Service Account project permissions. Add the following roles (Compute Admin & Storage Admin) below and click the CONTINUE button.

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Next is to generate our authentication key file (JSON) that will be used by Terraform to log into to GCP. Click the on Actions column as shown and select Create key to create key. alt text
Select JSON , click on the CREATE button and JSON file is downloaded to your computer. Rename the file to "http-loadbalancer.json" and store in a secure folder for use later in our Terraform project.

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Storage Bucket

We will need to create a GCP storage bucket to support the remote state feature of Terraform backends. By default, Terraform stores infrastructure state locally in a file, terraform.tfstate. We could have used local state for this effort, we however are using remote state(GCP storage bucket) to highlight this feature in Terraform. With remote state enabled Terraform writes the state (infrastructure) data to a remote data store. Remote state can be shared between team members and depending on the provider allows for locking & versioning.

Click on the Storage menu in Google Console or use URL below to get to Storage, in order to create a storage bucket for the http-loadbalancer project.

Click the CREATE BUCKET menu, enter http-loadbalancer for bucket name and then click the CREATE button to create a storage bucket.

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After creating the bucket, if you select the http-loadbalancer bucket and go the the Permissions tab you should see terraform-account service account as a member with Admin Role for this storage bucket.
In Google Console, from the Navigation menu (top left) select the Compute Engine to make sure the Compute Engine API is enabled from your project (http-loadbalancer).


If you don't already have an SSH key you can use the following link to generate it first. This will result in two files (e.g id_rsa & Contents of your file needs to be added to GCP and the associated key (id_rsa) file needs to be stored for use later with Terraform.

Within GCP , go to Compute Engine → Metadata
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Select SSH Keys tab and add contents of your (e.g file.
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The net result of the above steps should result in two files (service account JSON & SSH private key) that will be needed to be placed into the Terraform project once it has been downloaded.

Getting Started with Terraform on GCP

Install Terraform

The Terraform distribution is a single binary file that you can download and install on your system Hashicorp Download. Find the right binary for your operating system (Windows, Mac,etc) to install. A single binary named terraform from zip file is needed and it has to be added to your system PATH.

After completing installation verify install by running 'terraform -version' on command line:

$ terraform -version
Terraform v0.13.4

You can get list of available commands by running 'terraform' without any arguments :

$ terraform
Usage: terraform [-version] [-help]  [args]

The available commands for execution are listed below. ... ...

Install GIT & Clone project

If you don't already have GIT installed, use this link to install GIT locally in order to pull down Terraform code for this effort. After installing GIT, clone the project locally by running :

git clone

cd http-loadbalancer/envs

Copy the generated service account JSON file and private key file (e.g http-loadbalancer.json & id_rsa) into the envs folder of project. In the envs folder edit dev.env.tfvars to make sure that the variable assignments for gcp_auth_file and id_rsa match the names of the files.

# GCP authentication file
gcp_auth_file = "http-loadbalancer.json"

# remote provisioning - private key file
stress_vm_key = "id_rsa"

Project Structure

The diagram below provides the components that are used to build out and test your GCP HTTP Load Balancer. Having a clear picture of the components of your infrastructure & their relationships serves as a guide to defining Terraform project code for provisioning your infrastructure.

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This infrastructure can be broken down into these sets of resources :

  1. Compute Resources - Instance Group manager for creating/scaling compute resources.
  2. Network - Cloud Network and subnets
  3. Network Services - Network components for cloud balancing service.
  4. Stress Test VM - Virtual machine to test load balancer.

The Terraform folder structure has been defined to map to the resource grouping with each component within the group represented as a module.

│   ├───auto_scaler
│   ├───instance_template
│   └───region_instancegroupmgr
│   ├───firewall_rule
│   └───network_subnet
│   └───load_balancer
│       ├───backend_service
│       ├───forwarding_rule
│       ├───health_check
│       ├───target_proxy
│       └───url_map

The envs folder is where the Http Load Balancer Terraform project is defined. It contains the provisioner, variables, remote backend, modules and data sources for this project. We will start with the, which serves as the root module (starting point) for the Terraform configuration. The root module makes all the calls to child-modules & data sources needed to create all resources for HTTP Load Balancer.

│   │    		    ----> all variables needed for DEV environment
│   │   dev.env.tfvars		    ----> variables assignments for DEV
│   │   http-loadbalancer.json  * copied into project (service account)
│   │   id_rsa                  * copied into project (SSH key)
│   │       		     -----> terraform, GCP provider & modules 

Load Balancer & Testing

Additional details for configuring GCP Load Balancer can be found here. From GCP perspective per our architecture diagram, our configuration consists of:

  1. HTTP, health check, and SSH firewall rules
    To allow HTTP traffic to backends, TCP traffic from GCP Health checker & remote SSH from Terraform to stress test VM.

  2. Instance templates (2)
    Resource to create VM instances and managed instance groups(mig). Templates define machine type, boot disk, and other instance properties. Startup script is also executed on all instances create by instance template to install Apache.

  3. Managed instance groups (2)
    Managed instance groups use instance templates to create a group of identical instances that offers autoscaling based on autoscaling policy/metrics.

  4. HTTP Load Balancer(IPv4 & IPV6)
    Load balancer consists of backend service to balance traffic between two backend managed instance groups( mig in US & EU). Load balancer includes creating HTTP health checks(port80) to determine when instances will receive new connections. Forwarding-rule(frontend) is created as part of load balancer. Frontends determine how traffic will be directed. For our configuration we are defaulting to http port(80).

  5. Stress Test VM
    VM is created to simulate load on the HTTP Load Balancer. As part of VM startup siege, a http load testing utility is installed. Via Terraform's remote-exec we execute siege utility to direct traffic to HTTP Load Balancer.

Terraform data sources were used in the test module to retrieve the external IP address (frontend) of the load balancer, in order for siege to route traffic to it. Data sources allow Terraform to retrieve existing resource configuration information. One item to note here is that Terraform's data source can query any resource within the provider, it does not have to be a resource managed/created by Terraform.

Module - "test" (

# get forward rule to obtain frontend IP
data "google_compute_global_forwarding_rule" "http" {
  name = var.forward_rule_name


inline = [
      "sleep 20",
      "siege -c255 -time=8M http://${data.google_compute_global_forwarding_rule.http.ip_address} &",
      "sleep 500"

The inline block contains the command line for executing siege utility on the stress_test_vm. The command generates 255 concurrent user requests at a rate of 1-3 seconds between each request for 8 minutes. One notable & interesting issue I ran into was the siege command would not continue running over a time period. After SSH connection and command line was executed it would immediately end the session and terminate the siege process. Work-around this issue was to run siege as background process and add sleep to delay closing of SSH session and terminating siege prior to the needed execution time.
Although available, provisioning an instance with Terraform over SSH(remote-exec) is not recommended by Hashicorp. The issue faced with the siege process seems to highlight their recommendation. For this effort it was convenient for testing purposes. Hashicorp provides configuration management provisioner product, Hashicorp Packer, that automates creation of a VM instance image.


We can now proceed to go through this Terraform project lifecycle : INIT, PLAN , APPLY and eventually DESTROY when done.
Run 'terraform init'

C:\http-loadbalancer\envs>terraform init
Initializing modules...
Initializing the backend...
Initializing provider plugins...
- Using previously-installed hashicorp/google v3.46.0
Terraform has been successfully initialized!.


Terraform PLAN needs to be executed with the -var-file flag set to variables from the dev.env.tfvars file. Terminal output will display all resources that will be generated and provide the number of resources at the end of plan output.

Run 'terraform plan -var-file dev.env.tfvars -auto-approve'
The 'auto-approve' parameter removes interactive approval prompt to accept running the plan command.

C:\http-loadbalancer\envs>terraform plan -var-file dev.env.tfvars -auto-approve

.. .. Plan: 22 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.


Terraform PLAN will indicate that 22 GCP resources will be created. Next we will to run APPLY to execute the generated plan in order to move our infrastructure to desired stated. Note when we run APPLY the stress_test_vm will also be provisioned after all other resources. After that short period of time (1-2 minutes) web traffic will be directed to the load balancer.

Run 'terraform apply -var-file dev.env.tfvars -auto-approve'

C:\http-loadbalancer\envs>terraform apply -var-file dev.env.tfvars -auto-approve
PS C:\Users\Kawi\Terraform\Repos\http-loadbalancer\envs> terraform apply -var-file dev.env.tfvars -auto-approve Creating...
module.healthcheck.google_compute_health_check.healthcheck: Creating...
module.healthcheck.google_compute_health_check.healthcheck: Creation complete after 3s [id=projects/http-loadbalancer/global/healthChecks/http-lb-health-check] Still creating... [10s elapsed] Creation complete after 15s [id=projects/http-loadbalancer/global/networks/http-lb]

After Terraform has created GCP resources and the remote-exec process is running, you can use GCP console to view traffic flow to backends. Given that stress_test_vm is in a closer region the majority of traffic will be routed to europe-west managed instance groups. The managed instance group will create additional VMs to handle the uptick in web traffic to the load balancer.
From the the GCP console navigation menu select :
Network Services --> Load Balancing --> Backend (tab) Select "http-lb-backend" from list below.

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To view the instances created to handle traffic from stress_test_vm. From the the GCP console navigation menu select :
Compute Engine --> VM instances

After the remote-exec process completes the number of instances created would scale down via instance group manager. If you need to run testing again, the stress_test_vm can be marked as TAINTed and APPLY can be re-executed which will only destroy the stress_test_vm and then re-created it.

Run 'terraform taint module.test.google_compute_instance.stress_test_vm' and then
'terraform apply -var-file dev.env.tfvars'

C:\http-loadbalancer\envs>terraform taint module.test.google_compute_instance.stress_test_vm
Resource instance module.test.google_compute_instance.stress_test_vm has been marked as tainted.

C:\http-loadbalancer\envs> terraform apply -var-file dev.env.tfvars .. .. Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions? Terraform will perform the actions described above. Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

Enter a value:


Terraform DESTROY needs to be executed to clean up all resources. To be able to check that destroy will remove 22 resources, run DESTROY without the -auto-approve parameter. You will then get prompted to answer 'yes' to accept removal of all resources.
Run 'terraform destroy -var-file dev.env.tfvars'

C:\http-loadbalancer\envs>terraform destroy -var-file dev.env.tfvars -auto-approve
Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 22 to destroy.

Do you really want to destroy all resources? Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above. There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

Enter a value:

Last but not least, the resources (storage bucket, service account) created as part of the project setup will need to be deleted when you are done.

And that's all folks...hope this post provided some insight into Terraform.


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