The client expressed needs for a code quiz to test their coding knowledge against their peers.
The client, a coding bootcamp student established that the following needs/expecations must be met:
- The quiz must be timed with multiple-choice questions.
- The user interface must be clean and polished so that is responsive.
- The app will run in the browswer, adn will feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS change by JavaScript.
Through information and feedback provided by the coding boot campot student, the following update criteria were established:
- The quiz must be timed and cover JavaScript fundamentals to store high scores against their peers.
- Given that the boot camp student is taking a time codequiz :
- When the studen clicks the start button
- Then a timer starts and they are presented with a question.
- When they answer a question:
- Then they are presented with another question.
- When they answer a question incorrectly, then 10 seconds is subracted from the clock.
- When all questions are answered or the time reaches 0
- Then the game is over
- When the studen clicks the start button
- When the game is over:
- Then the game is over.
- Then they can save their initials and score.
- document.querySelectors and add.EventListeners deployed to dynamically bring document elements in and out of the quiz.
- When the boot camp student presses the start quiz button event listeners are triggered for:
- The timer starts counting down from 75 seconds.
- The instructions are set to "hide".
- The first question is shown.
- If the student chooses the correct answer and alert box with "You're right!" pops up. If the wrong answer is shown, an alert box with "You're wrong." is displayed.
- Questions are generated from an array and the choices are generated on to buttons from the array.
- Since the user's answers are generated from inputs, parseInt is used to retrieve the answer from the console log.
- When the user either runs out of time or completes the quiz, the submit initals box and end score appears by removing the "hidden' attribute.
- The student's initals and score and stored on the client-side and must be extracted using JSon Parser to added to the high score array.
- Once the student has submitted their initials by clicking the submit button, they're linked to the High Scores Page.
*Deployed website *[GitHub Repository]
- GeeksforGeeks- Hid or Show Elements in HTML
- MDN web docs - EventTarget.addEventListener()
- Javascript.Info - Global Object
© 2020 Kristina Hamilton and Trilogy Education Services, a 2U, Inc. brand. All Rights Reserved.