I'm a IOT enthusisat and Front-End Developer. One of the things I love most is learn about new technologies, and how it can change lifes around the world! 🌎
- 🎈 I'm searching for my first professional experience, so if you see something you like here, please give me a feedback 🙏
- 🌱 I’m currently learning React.js and node.js
Here are a few things I've picked up along my learning journey.
- ❤ Typescript | Node.js | React
- 🐘 PHP
- 🐍 Python
- 🛢 NoSQL | SQL
- 📲 Android with Kotlin | Xamarin
- ☁ MongoDB | Firebase
- 🔌 Arduino
- ☢ Java | C#
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/kayque-gon%C3%A7alves-da-silva-7335ab196/
- Instagram: @kayque_silv4
- Email: kayque.gsilva229@gmail.com