Console++ is a small framework for interacting with the console on a character-at-a-time basis. Used together with Terminal++ and Munin, this library can form the foundation of any graphical terminal application.
Console++ requires a C++17 compiler and the following libraries:
- Boost (At least version 1.69.0)
- GSL-lite (At least version 1.38)
- (For testing only) Google Test
Console++ can be installed from source using CMake. This requires Boost, GSL-Lite and any other dependencies to have been installed beforehand, using their own instructions, or for the call to cmake --configure
to be adjusted appropriately (e.g. -DBOOST_ROOT=...
or -Dgsl-lite_DIR=...
). If you do not wish to install into a system directory, and thus avoid the use of sudo, you can also pass -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=...
into the cmake --configure
git clone && cd consolepp
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --configure -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --install .
- Basic console handling
- Reading/writing from/to the console in character mode
- Queries and callbacks for console size
Console++ is automatically testing with GNU g++ 7.5.